Enjoy life to the full ◦ With greater strength ◦ With better health ◦ With more activity Excellence is inside you.
What has inspired YOU to train? The inevitable question is WHY? ◦ Challenge yourself? ◦ Physically and mentally? ◦ Discomfort vs rewards? ◦ Overcome obstacles? ◦ Escape from day to day? ◦ Expression of “life’s goodness” ( Running through the wall, Neal Jamison ) If we can understand the HOW and HOW-NOT to.. ◦ Experience is better, more fulfilling ◦ Less injuries or injury free ◦ Better health, quality of life ◦ More energy, because of training ◦ Friends and new friends, camaraderie ◦ Body composition, weight loss also Positive thoughts have positive effects
What has inspired YOU to train? Neurobiological reactions and rewards ◦ Endorphins (natural opiates activated through exercise) ◦ Dopamine (neurotransmitter in the brain triggers reward pathways) ◦ These can overcome almost any inertia. ◦ Training becomes the reward to look forward to. Goal oriented training ◦ Goal(s), short term, season goal ◦ Purpose and direction (structure, progress) ◦ Laws of training science (specific, progressive, recover, pleasure/reward) ◦ Measurable – HR/pace, distance swum/run/ridden/walked, power vs speed Positive thoughts have positive effects
What has inspired YOU to train? Your Self Confidence - a simple tool ◦ Competence, self actualization, seeing improvements ◦ Recognition by others ◦ I can do anything for 3 minutes LONGER Intrinsic and Extrinsic motivation ◦ Intrinsic: Stick with the program, increase in ability, explore your own limits ◦ Extrinsic: Attention, praise, applause, race results, high- five, recognition, Routine ◦ Rhythmic training, same time same day, group training Balance ◦ All of time’s competitors: sleep, eat/drink, work, family, friends, training, racing Positive thoughts have positive effects
What has inspired YOU to train? Mental peace Stretch yourself Don’t break yourself Positive goal setting Suitable training plans Remove anxiety Promote friendliness Positive thoughts have positive effects
What has inspired YOU to train? Recharging self confidence ◦ Observe and learn ◦ Listen and learn ◦ You can do it ! (the voice inside) ◦ Past experiences (GOOD ONES) ◦ If she/he/they can do it….. SO CAN I ◦ Focus ◦ Stay in the present ◦ Daily goals ◦ Who cares what THEY think! ◦ Luck !!!! What luck? ◦ Rewards…. Enjoy training and then….. ◦ Groups – if they are riding, I had better go too… Positive thoughts have positive effects
What has inspired YOU to train? Setbacks ◦ Injuries, reduced training performance, racing badly ◦ Bounce back, treat injuries quickly, stick with your training plan ◦ You will get better, stronger, faster in time. ◦ It’s about being RIGHT on the NIGHT Positive thoughts have positive effects
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