It is possible!
The four corners of the Cohesive Ministry. Spiritual Power Intellect/Mental Behaviour/Social Emotional/History Jesus our model
1. See the big picture and start younger. 2. Develop a plan of formation. 3. Understand family systems. 4. Lead by listening. 5. Resource families. 6. Schedule fewer events/Encourage family “togetherness”. 7. Develop a team of (representative) parents 8. Create opportunities for ministry together. 9. Lead your own family well.
Transitioning from one group to another… Connection. Easing them into “church”? What’s the plan/focus? Chronological age vs Social age. Are people “Already Gone”? Cultural issues. Teenagers, Tweens, Young Adults. Love languages. Plan and Pray in equal measure.
Intentionally build people up in Jesus together.