J.D. Salinger was born in New York City in Was upper middle class and attended prep schools. Excelled on the fencing team in high school, but flunked out in terms of academics. Thus, he clearly develops Holden as a persona for himself. Enrolled in a military academy where he began writing stories, and continued when he fought in WWII, and when he came home. Was a notorious recluse later in life and was resistant to having his book adapted into a movie.
The Genre - Bildungsroman German word for a “coming of age” novel. Coming of age novel = story of a sensitive person growing up who is looking for answers and experience. The goal for the character is maturity, which is not reached easily. This type of novel often features a struggle between the character and society. (SOCIETY MAN, SOCIETY!)
Context Post-WWII In many ways, the novel reflects Salinger’s personal issues with society at the time, and the loss of innocence he experienced himself as a result of war. 2012 documentary on the author Captures a sense of discomfort many felt with the changes during the 1950’s (cultural, technological, political), as well as the pressure teenagers felt to go along with cultural fads and fit in.
Controversial yet glorious history Several shootings have been associated with the novel, most famously John Hinckley, Jr.'s assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan (1981) and Mark David Chapman's shooting of John Lennon (1980). After the shooting, Chapman was arrested with his worn personal copy of the book, inside which he had scribbled, "Dear Holden Caulfield, From Holden Caulfield, This is my statement.” Catcher in the Rye, at different times, has been on the “banned books” list and was not allowed to be taught in schools due to graphic language and sexual references. However, to many, Catcher is considered one of the three “perfect American books” along with The Great Gatsby and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Reflection 1. What aspects of The Catcher in the Rye do you think can be seen as controversial? 2. How are gender roles represented in the novel so far? *About a paragraph response for each question is fine; make sure to use SPECIFIC examples from the novel to support your claims.