Macbeth 1 Macbeth 2 The Rocking Horse Winner A Shocking Accident Beowulf 1 Beowulf 2 No Witchcra ft for Sale
Witchcraft celebrates Pale Hecate’s offerings And withered murder ___________________, __________________, Thus with his stealthy pace. Alarumed by his sentinel the wolf, whose howl’s his watch
Beowulf is __________’s follower. Higlac Higlac
WWho is the author of “No Witchcraft for Sale”? DDoris Lessing
WWhat was actually given to the doctor instead of the “healing” root in “No Witchcraft for Sale”? BBlue flowers
What is the meaning of the title “No Witchcraft for Sale”? The Africans would not sell their healing root The Africans would not sell their healing root
What did the Farquars give the man who healed their son? A raise A raise
What are Beowulf and his followers called? Geats Geats
Why can Grendel not touch Hrothgar’s throne? It is protected by God. It is protected by God.
How does Beowulf kill Grendel? He rips his arm off. He rips his arm off.
What does Herot Hall serve? Mead Mead
What is the sword’s name that Beowulf brings to kill Grendel’s mother? Hrunting Hrunting
Who is Beowulf’s father? Edgetho Edgetho
Who was the warrior who stood by Beowulf, whilst the dragon attacked? Wiglaf Wiglaf
Who is King of the Danes? Hrothgar Hrothgar
Who is Grendel the descendent of? Cain Cain
What is the “shocking accident” referred to in “A Shocking Accident?” Jerome’s father died when a pig fell on him. Jerome’s father died when a pig fell on him.
How do most people react to the story of the death of Jerome’s father in “A Shocking Accident?” They laugh They laugh
Who told Jerome about the death of his father? The housemaster The housemaster
What was Jerome’s father’s occupation? A writer
Who is the author of “A Shocking Accident”? Graham Greene Graham Greene
What is Bassett’s position in the household? The gardener The gardener
Why does Paul bet on horse races? To get money for his mother To get money for his mother
What is the boy’s name? Paul Paul
How many children did mother have? 33
What does Paul keep hearing the house say? There must be more money. There must be more money.
What title does Macbeth inherit? Thane of Glamis Thane of Glamis
Who becomes King at the end of the play? Malcolm Malcolm
What could Lady Macbeth not wash off her hands at the end of the play? Blood Blood
The witches say that Macbeth can not be harmed until _________. Birnam wood come to Dunsinane Birnam wood come to Dunsinane
Whose family do the murderers kill? Macduff’s Macduff’s
Who is Queen of the witches? Hecate Hecate
What do the witches promise Banquo? That his children will become kings. That his children will become kings.
Who is Banquo’s son? Fleance Fleance
Who is Macbeth’s wife? Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth
Who killed King Duncan? Macbeth Macbeth
What is the name of the child in the story? Teddy Teddy
What was the name of the man who befriended the little boy in the story? Gideon Gideon
WWhat happened to Teddy to cause the Farquars to become so upset HHe was spit in the eyes by a snake
WWhat was the boy’s friend’s occupation in the house? TThe cook
How was the boy healed? The man chewed up a root and put it in his eyes The man chewed up a root and put it in his eyes
What nickname did the man give the little boy? “Little Yellowhead” “Little Yellowhead”