WP1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT Massimo Bianchi – RESINT - Project General Meeting Bologna/Forlì 20th-21st May 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

WP1 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT Massimo Bianchi – RESINT - Project General Meeting Bologna/Forlì 20th-21st May 2015

Project Partners European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) AcronymCountryOrganization P1UNIBOItalyUniversity of Bologna- DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT P2UNISAL / HUDDERSFIELD United KingdomUniversity of Huddersfield P3VGTULithuaniaVilnius Gediminas Technical University P4SERINARItalySERINAR P5SUDGESTAIDItalySUDGESTAID SCARL P6METAFORUMSpainMetaforum S.L. P7UABSpainUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona P8ALALLithuaniaAssociation of Local Authorities in Lithuania P9GETWEBLithuaniaJSC „Getweb” P10UDANETItalyUdanet

Breakdown WPs among Partners European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

31 January 2015 – Diploma delivering Simulimpresa in Resilience Project Management at UNIBO February 2015 – RESINT project meeting and dissemination Workshop at UNIBO March RESINT project meeting and international conference at VALENCIA 13 May 2015 – RESINT seminars in UNIBO pilot modules hold by VGTU Teachers: Proffs: V. Kontrimiene; V. Kuranovic in videoconference with Klaipeda University VGTU September Huddersfield RESINT Meetings/Events European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

RESINT Innovative Challenges in Didactics Virtual Reality Augmented Reality Networked System Intelligent Systems European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Modules Basic Orientations European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Basic Structure Lecture Hours Module Orientation Socio- Economi c Sub. Manage rial Subject Techn o SOCIO ECONOMIC ( Macro )1644 Management and Leadership ( Meso )4164 Techno ( Micro )4416 Total24 European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Standard Modules Framework PILOTCoursesBasicStructure Short Mid dleLong ore gg61836 sett136 · Principles of Emergency Management (formerly Introduction to Emergency Management) Strategies 2612 Management 2612 Operatives Emergency Planning 00 Organizational Resources 2612 Human Respources 2612 Technical Resources 2612 Leadership and Influence Decision making and Problem-Solving 00 1 DM PS 2612 Effective Communication Developing Volunteer Resources Final Test

A Module ( 1 ) Module CODE/ Internet Module Title Simulimpresa in Resilience ( 1 ) Lead IT: PERTING S.r.L. ( UNIBO ) Partners : IT: Bec societ à cooperativa ( Parma University ) LT: ZUVEDRA (Klaipeda University) SP: Hotel Vila Daurada Resort ( Universitat Rovira I Virgili ) Level BSC Local Credits[1][1] 6 EC TS 6 Length ( In semester ) 1 (30 th September – 09 th December 2014) Semester in which the Course is Activate 1 st + 2 nd Programmes in which the Course is Located CLEC; CLEGA Kind of Course  Compulsory  Recommended  Elective Pre Requisite Adequate Knowledge of Business English Workload ( In hours ) LecturesPractical Classes 40 hours La bor ato ry lab ic 1/ 2 Individual Study TOTAL [1] [1] According to National or University Rules

A Module ( 2 ) Aims of the Module The Enterprise Simulation a didactical methodology consisting in the realistic reproduction of an organization activities (Tampieri 2009) to teach with the method of learning by doing (Gualdi 2001). The Enterprise Simulation uses Internet with the partnership of other simulated units diffused in the worldwide, coordinated by a central unit. This network in which each unit operates independently from others like a real company and is in condition to reproduce practical situation of management in different fields. In AA st Semester the focus is on Resilience with the Project Management oriented to Local Unit ( Municipal Operative Room ), Regional Emergency Room ( Interregional Agency for the River Governance ) and National ( Crisis Unit at National Level ). The activities will be conducted in the virtual Reality of Second Life in which Perting got a Seat in connections with other units of a Virtual Network. The module aims to:  provide to students the typical relational skills required in any working environment  to allow students to experience the working climate within a company in order to reduce the gap when starting to work,  improve students' behavioural skills,  help students become more aware of their skills and roles,  allow students to apply the knowledge acquired  develop new skills that could be used later on in their university career. Expected Learning Outcomes At the end of the module, a student will be able to:  Develop behavioural skills such as team work, spirit of initiative, autonomy and decision-making, coordination of working groups, sense of responsibility in project management  Develop professional behaviours, such as organizational sense, the mastery of the tools of work, problem solving, processing and use of knowledge gained in practice firm.  knowing the unified management of the business process, its organization and operation of departments and offices where the work is divided. Depending on the task assigned, students must develop skills and competencies that allow them to know how to manage the flow of information, prepare basic documents of sector as identified :  Project support and international financing: support of international projects for the managerial development in Enterprises (particularly SMEs), and NGO and Public Administrations.  Experimental Pilot Courses in a Virtual Interuniversity Network among RESINT Project Partners and external partnerships with didactical purposes in the dissemination or Resilience skills. o Macro Level ( National ) o Meso Level ( Regional ) o Micro Level ( Municipal ) European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

A Module ( 3 ) Syllabus Outline The St Semester Course was undertake as Pilot Course divided into four workshops with a focus on the Project RESINT 1.The educational approach of Practice Management ( Simulimpresa ) 2.New activities start up 3.Daily management 4.Results control and performance evaluation. 5.Project Management with  Poste It Emergency Room  AIPO River Governance  Ravenna Municipality Operative Room The course is delivered as a series of 16 lectures/meetings in which the simulation of a business is carried out by explaining its objectives and working procedures, by preparation of projects, new activities start up, development of project idea. Text and learning material fonts Core text RESINT Handbook on Simulimpresa Gualdi D. ( Ed. ) Module Handbook: Distance Learning by Simulimpresa and Practice Management, UNIBO,Serinar Gualdi D. (2014) Beyond frontal lecturing: the Practice Firm, an innovative teaching methodologies on business administration. In M. Bianchi, M. Baseska, S. Ngo Mai, L. Tampieri, J. Verges (2014) Beyond the horizon of Tempus projects. Theory and practice of project management, Il Ponte Vecchio ed., Cesena, ISBN , pp Tampieri L. (2014) The Network of ties in practice firm for the education to entrepreneurship. The case of Perting Ltd. In Procedia-Social and Behavioral Journal. 5th World Conference on Educational Sciences (ISSN: ), Volume 116, 21 February 2014, pp – 1082.Volume 116 Tampieri L. (2012) Second Life as Educational Space for the Simulation of Enterprises ’ Start Up and for Managerial Culture Development, in Nada Bates-Brkljac (Ed) Virtual Reality, ISBN: , NOVA Science Publisher, NY, USA, Chapter 1 (pp. 1-49). Recommended  REPORT PILOT MODULE: SIMULIMPRESA A.Y  DepliantENGL2014 Internet sources

Pilot Modules UNIBO TitlePeriodHours Teachers ( Ac. Staff ) Studen ts Publ.M anager s Non Public LSA Short Module 1st Simulimpresa in Resilience Project Management 30th Sept- 11Dec Short Module 2nd Simulimpresa for Virtual, Augmented Reality and Media Context in Resilience 9th-27th March Short Module 3rd Simulimpresa in Resilience for Cultural Heritage 20th Apr.- 18thMay Shortshortshort Profess. The Resilience in Cultural Heritage. A new field of interventions for Local Governments 30th Jaunuary Short moduleResilience Management Oct Feb Short Master in resilience for professional managers Emergecy and resilience structures in Professional Activity Dec Feb VGTU Intelligent Systems and Augmented Reality in Resilience Management 3rd February - 18th May 2015 / HUDDERSFIELD Resilience and Leadership 11th May 2015 to 20th July 2015 / TOTAL

UNIBO Pilot Modules Simulimpresa in Resilience Project Management Simulimpresa for Virtual, Augmented Reality and Media Context in Resilience Simulimpresa in Resilience for Cultural Heritage

Main Sources for a Survey on Diodactical Quality Teachers Individual Evaluation ( By Students ) Didactics Istitutional Activity Research and publishing Environment Student Services Ratio Teachers/Students % of Employment after studies end Peer Review Agreements with non academic bodies Students Individual evaluation ( By teachers ) Tests Final Dissertation European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Locate correctely the Quality Assurance Indexes EFFICIENCY Teachers Evaluation ADEQUACY Third Part Evaluation EFFECTIVENESS Students Evaluation European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Italian Stakeholders Involved IUSS (Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia): Master in Gestione dei Rischi e delle Emergenze; Master in Valutazione e controllo rischi chimici ambientaliMaster in Gestione dei Rischi e delle EmergenzeMaster in Valutazione e controllo rischi chimici ambientali Poste It UNIBO Department of Architecture Cesena Municipal Police of Ravenna and Cesena Building School Emilia Romagna Region AIPO – Interregional Agency for Po river CESIT - Centre for the Study of Transport Systems "Carlo Mario Guerci" ATR - START - Guerrini Graziani Packaging Ghisa Mestieri College of surveyors

Scheduled WORKPLAN