Additional Lift to Access ECA5 Etienne Carlier, Jean-Louis Grenard, Damien Lafarge SPS Dump Upgrade Meeting 09/07/2015
Motivation Mathieu Baudin & Helmut Vincke (DGS-RP) Prompt dose rates in junction area and ECA5 show that access in ECA5 may be feasible (anticipated beam loss rates are still needed to confirm). Use of elevator and staircases located in junction area may be problematic. 2 Dose caused by one full shot (3E13 protons) Full beam loss on an iron target upstream from the dump (conservative scenario) Sv Maximum loss rates allowed to access ECA5 areas during beam operation Stairs to BB5< 1E-6 Elevator to BB5< 1E-5 ECA5 area (including side walk leading to opening in the wall) < 3E-5 ECA5 floor area (excluding side walk leading to openings in the wall) < 1E-4 ~1 mSv per lost shot in elevator shaft ~5 mSv per lost shot in stairs
Feasibility Feasibility to install a lift between BB5 and ECA5 in the actual shaft confirmed by EN-HE. – Proposition to install a 1T lift with only 2 positions (top & bottom). Similar systems already exist at CERN. Estimation cost is between kCHF – Installation of 70 m transmission line between BB5 and ECA5 will cost 400 kCHF (cable + installation + junction patch in ECA5) Delivery delay is 6 months. – Decision to go ahead to be taken before the end of 2015 for an installation during EYETS16/17 Typical installation duration for this type of lift is 2-3 weeks Ground surface used by the lift is 3x1.5m – Design of top and bottom station to be done
Open Points Detailed integration. First feasibility analysis to be done taking into account existing areas available in the shaft without existing infrastructure… —> Action JLG/DL Securisation of access zone on the top of the shaft to be analysed (and validated by HSE) —> Action JLG/DL Evacuation plan from ECA5 in case of lift failure? —> Action EC + RP Function of old lift to be clarified —> Action EC Worth to do a scan of ECA5 during next SPS TS if not yet existing in order to facilitate integration studies —> Action JLG?
Evacuation path? Possibility to go near the ECX5/ECA5 Junction…
Do we really need to access ECA5 with beam in the machine? If SBDS is ON No need to access, improve diagnostic tools for full monitoring If SBDS is FAULTY No beam – If we have to access ECA5 for repair No beam required – If we have to validate the system after repair No beam required, but Should be able to pulse the system remotely without inhibition condition (BIS) and with external references (BETS) Special access conditions for ECA5? Sectorisation of ECA5 w.r.t. the rest the machine? Link between access to ECA5 and EIS? Special RP conditions to access ECA5 after beam stop?