WIND ENERGY (Renewable Resources Assignment Part 2)
What is Wind Energy? Wind Energy is: Wind energy is energy that is created by using the wind to generate power. It is a form of kinetic energy that can be transformed into mechanical energy or electricity. The wind can be our closest friend or our most feared enemy. It can provide a cool breeze to relax in while you’re on the beach or let you fly a kite at the park. It also helps to carry pollen and other seeds to the ground, which in return creates new forms of life. But the wind can also cause massive destruction to our water sources, our natural environment and our homes. It is a natural element that cannot be destroyed, so the best way to use it to our advantage is to create wind power.
Wind power is created by different types of wind power generators. The two most commonly used wind machines are: Windmills : are the oldest form of technology used to create wind energy. They were originally created to help pump water for farming and consisted of a tower with a multi-bladed rotary engine. The wind would turn the blades, which would then turn a crankshaft that would pump the water. Windmills can be used for not only pumping water, but also for grinding grain, tobacco and other spices. Wind Turbines: wind turbines are the most modern wind machines that also use large blades to generate electricity. These machines consist of blades that are mounted on a turning shaft. The shaft has a gear transmission box that increases the speed of the blades. The transmission is attached to another shaft that turns a generator to create electricity. Wind turbines can be use for charging batteries, pumping water and powering homes. How is Wind Energy created?
What are Wind Power Plants? Wind power plants, also known as wind farms, consist of large groups of wind turbines that use a common power provider to produce electricity. They are all interconnected together through common distribution lines, and they are all controlled and operated by computerized monitoring system.
What are the benefits of Wind Energy? Here are some benefits of using wind power: Wind is the renewable energy. No air or water pollution
What are the pros of using this type of energy in a school? Pros Renewable with no CO 2 emissions lease payments to landowners (when the power generated is sold) creation of a domestic source of fuel no external costs such as environmental degradation reduced Pollution – only Pollution generated is in the manufacturing process and by the heavy machinery used to build the turbines reduced use of natural resources (non-renewable: gas, oil, coal)
What are the cons of using this type of energy in a school? Cons Not all land is suitable for wind turbines. How do you know if your land will harness enough wind to produce sufficient electricity? Requires land and enough for setbacks (room to co-exist with the turbine/s). Turbines are visual Pollution to some people (i.e., ugly). Some birds have been killed in the use of wind turbines. Compared with the thousands of deaths each year of birds being smashed against a building or moving vehicle, the deaths are extremely low in comparison. Wind towers have a continuous audible drone – too noisy. Newer technology has decreased the noise levels. Natural resources are cheaper. It may seem this way mainly because they have substantial subsidies to artificially deflate costs
My Changes in my high school (TVHS) I did changes in this school because the Wind Energy is really important to the students, we can do a lot of things with this energy. Its important to know how to use to do things right.