1 Good Presentation Guidelines Husni Al-Muhtaseb King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Information & Computer Science department ICS 350/ 351/ 352 – Cooperative work ICS Natural Language Processing
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 2 Outline 4 Before the Presentation 4 Presentation Organization 4 Preparing Transparencies 4 Delivery of Presentation 4 Using Presentation Software 4 Question time
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 3 Before the Presentation 4 Knowledge of presentation subject 4 Think and plan your presentation 4 Communicate the key ideas –Don’t get over-involved in details –Leave out obvious and complicated issues 4 Organize and structure your presentation –Break the presentation into several parts –Use a top-down approach 4 Review, rework, revise: Give it your best 4 Practice your talk
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 4 Presentation Organization 4 Cover Page: Title, Organization, Presenters, Course 4 Outline: A brief guide to the talk 4 Introduction: what you are going to present –Introduce subject –Motivate audience –Introduce minimum terminology 4 Main Body: –Describe key ideas: requirements, Design –Explain significance of proposed ideas 4 Technicalities: more 4 Conclusion: Tell them what you told them
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 5 Preparing Transparencies 4 Need not write full sentences 4 Rule of thumb for word charts –Maximum seven words per line –Maximum seven items in a bulleted list 4 Charts/ Diagrams –Make a single point and clear –Avoid too many symbols and colors –Avoid numerical tables 4 Do not overload transparencies 4 Do not use too many transparencies 4 Explain ideas with pictures & diagrams
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 6 Delivery of Presentation 4 Dress appropriately 4 Set or stand straight, smile before you speak 4 Make eye contact round the room 4 Control your voice and motion 4 Memorize your opening words 4 Minimize language difficulties –no “Ums””, “Okays”, “Uhs”, “Aiahs” 4 Try not to get anxious and nervous – You know more than they do
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 7 Delivery of Presentation 4 Start slowly, vary the tone of your voice 4 Do not read the screen 4 Do not flash transparencies on the screen 4 Fit your talk to the allotted time 4 If a group project – introduce members; say “we”
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 8 Using Presentation Software 4 Not slide show, get the better of you 4 Choose a Theme 4 Avoid busy backgrounds 4 Proper choice of colors 4 Use clever builds or reveals of bulleted charts –Appear or drop one bullet at a time –Do not use word by word animation
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 9 Slide Show
10 Using Presentation Software 4N4Not slide show, get the better of you 4C4Choose a Theme 4A4Avoid busy backgrounds 4P4Proper choice of colors 4U4Use clever builds or reveals of bulleted charts –A–Appear or drop one bullet at a time –D–Do not use word by word animation
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 11 Using Presentation Software 4 Avoid images that can slow the presentation 4 well-drawn, fresh and appropriate Clip Arts 4 Equipment failures –Allow time to test equipment and run files –Prepare backup 4 Demo Versus Screen Shots –Screen shots when possible
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 12 Question Time 4 Let your questioner finish the question 4 Be prepared to rehearse the question 4 Keep your answers short 4 Confess your ignorance 4 Deflect hostile questions 4 Be confident and well-prepared
Husni Al-Muhtaseb 13 Conclusion 4 Before the presentation 4 Organization and preparation 4 Delivery 4 Presentation software 4 Suggestions