Engagement Team Member Essentials Organizational Development R
Engagement Team Member Essentials Gallup’s engagement theory and survey methodology How to personally influence your own engagement As an informal leader, YOU can influence others
Start a Movement A movement only exists when people are inspired to move, to do something, to make the cause their own. – Simon Sinek
Each person take 1 minute to share with your tablemates the best moment you’ve ever had at work. Group Work Using the provided “Notes” page, take 1 minute to write down every word you can think of that describes how you felt during that best moment at work. How many of you feel you were more productive when you had these feelings?
Defining Engagement Take 2 minutes at your tables and discuss how would you define engagement in one sentence? Be ready to report out to the larger group
Defining Engagement “A highly engaged workforce means the difference between a company that thrives and one that struggles. When employees are engaged, they are passionate, creative, and entrepreneurial, and their enthusiasm fuels growth. These employees are emotionally connected to the mission and purpose of their work. When employees are not engaged, they are indifferent toward their jobs -- or worse, outright hate their work, supervisor, and organization -- and they will destroy a work unit and a business.” –Gallup
Everyone defines engagement using the terms discretionary effort, but how do you easily explain or demonstrate it? Defining Engagement
The effects of improving engagement: Safety Incidents (patients and team members) Absenteeism Turnover Theft Quality Customer Service Productivity Profitability We are more productive when we feel good
Engagement: Three Types of Team Members Engaged Not Engaged Actively Disengaged Loyal and psychologically committed. More productive; higher retention. Productive, but they are not psychologically connected to their company. They miss more workdays; more likely to leave. Physically present, but psychologically absent. They are unhappy and insist on sharing this unhappiness with others. Copyright © 2008, 2013 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved. Typically, you need 5 engaged team members to offset every disengaged team member. 42%46% 12% 3.5:1 Gallup Avg: 29% 52%19%
How does Gallup choose the survey questions? 1 – Do you use employee satisfaction surveys? 80% said “yes.” 2 – How often? Every 1 to 2 years. 3 – How many questions are on your survey? The average was 150 questions. 4 – Do your folks feel better or worse after the survey? 60% said “worse”!
The Sorting Effect High ratingLow rating Poor Question “I receive recognition.” For example: Q03. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. Q04. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. Q10. I have a best friend at work. Less productive workgroups More productive workgroups Low rating Great Question “In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.” High rating
The Q 12® (for all Health System team members) 1.I know what is expected of me at work 2.I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right 3.At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day 4.In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work 5.My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as person 6.There is someone at work who encourages my development 7.At work, my opinions seem to count 8.The mission or purpose of my organization makes me feel my job is important 9.My associates or fellow team members are committed to doing quality work 10.I have a best friend at work 11.In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress 12.This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow
Get Give Belong Opportunities to learn and grow Progress in last six months I have a best friend at work Coworkers committed to quality Mission/Purpose of organization At work, my opinions seem to count Someone at work encourages my development Supervisor/Someone at work cares Recognition last seven days Do what I do best every day I have materials and equipment I need to do my work right I know what is expected of me at work Gallup Engagement Hierarchy Grow The Q 12®
The Gulf Between Yes and No 5Very strong yes 4Yes, but… 3Nice no 2Solid no 1Angry no Psychological gap Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
What’s the difference between… Anonymous means not identified by name Confidential means private, secret, not universally available or only known to a select few (survey vendor) Gallup’s survey is confidential Rest assured – Gallup will not release data to anyone at the medical center that could even have the potential to compromise the identity of an individual being known!
A new approach to Action Planning 1.Need/ Rationale - Background - Problems/needs - Measures 1.Need/ Rationale - Background - Problems/needs - Measures 3. Target Condition 4.Reasoning - Hypothesis 3. Target Condition 4.Reasoning - Hypothesis 2.Current Condition - Drawing - Key issues - Root causes 2.Current Condition - Drawing - Key issues - Root causes 5. Action Plan - Action steps - Timeline - Expected outcomes - Accountability 6. Key Learning 5. Action Plan - Action steps - Timeline - Expected outcomes - Accountability 6. Key Learning The way things happen now A better way to work
1.Need/ Rationale 3.Target Condition 4.Reasoning 3.Target Condition 4.Reasoning 2.Current Condition 5. Action Plan - Action steps - Timeline - Expected outcomes - Accountability 6. Key Learning 5. Action Plan - Action steps - Timeline - Expected outcomes - Accountability 6. Key Learning Example 37% of team members do not know what is expected of them at work Discovery meeting showed that new hires experience this more than tenured team members 1 st year turnover consistently hovers at 21.7% Why don’t people know what’s expected of them at work? Because no one has explained the importance of setting individual performance goals to new hires Why hasn’t anyone explained this to new hires? Because 1:1 meetings are not held. Why aren’t 1:1 meetings held? Because the manager is the only one who can have these meetings and she is too busy. Why does the manager have to own this responsibility? They don’t. Someone else on the team could have the meeting with the new hire. Newly hired team members will know what is expected of them as evidenced by monthly 1:1 meetings to discuss goal progress Percentage of 4s &5s will increase from 63% to 83% on 2015 survey First year turnover will decrease from 21.7% to 15% by May 2015 Newly hired team members who understand what is expected of them will see how their role contributes to the success of the department and organization
I received feedback on the previous Employee Engagement Survey conducted at the University of Virginia Health System. My team participated in an effective impact planning session following last year's Employee Engagement Survey. My team has made progress on the goals set during our impact planning sessions after the last Employee Engagement Survey. Accountability Engagement (GrandMean) Gallup Accountability Index 50 th (4.05) Gallup Q 12 Healthcare 50 th (4.11) Engagement and action planning at the Medical Center are closely correlated. Medical Center local workgroups have to continue to play their parts
29 th 35 th Percentile Our Engagement Journey
% of Workgroups 2014=< < < n= n 2907 n 1729 n 1347 n 475 Despite those efforts 4636 team members are in the bottom half RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Note: Percentiles based on Gallup’s 2014 Q 12 Healthcare Workgroup Level Database 71 st th th rd rd th rd nd th 1, nd th Percentile 2014 n Size YOY Change 2014 Medical Center GrandMean: 3.91 Percentile: 35 th 8 out of 11 job families are in the bottom half
Recruiting & Onboarding Leadership & Learning Reward & Recognition Informal Leader Power of One/Stepping It Up/ Balance Commitment Form Referral Program Peer Interviews Buddy Program ID Badge Team Member Profile 1:1 Manager Meetings BP II BP I Influential Leadership Engagement Series New Leader Orientation Suggestion Box Uteam Meetings Skip Level Meetings tools Job Aids Videos Social Media $15/ team member Bravo Cards Urewards Uteam Perks Outstanding Contributor Impromptu Celebrations
The ‘X’ model of employee engagement What stood out for you? We are all responsible for our own individual success and ultimately take control of our own engagement – Do you agree?
Who is responsible for your engagement at work? R Anyone hoping things will just get better?
Hope is not a strategy to solve a problem… neither is a survey
What can individual team members do? Assess their own goals and satisfaction drivers to clearly define what success looks like to them Communicate with the manager and share aspirations and needs in order to clarify where to focus energies Take Action by taking ownership of their own engagement A C T
The Challenge What do we really want? – team members to take ownership for their own engagement Vital Behaviors – Assess personal goals and satisfaction drivers to clearly define what success looks like – Communicate with manager and share aspirations and needs in order to clarify where to focus energies – Take Action by taking ownership of their own engagement
Personal Motivation Think about your job, role, position, work group, department, division, organization, etc. Do you hate it or enjoy it? Do you find meaning in it? Does it fit into your sense of who you are or who you want to be? – If not, what would need to change? Assess goals/satisfaction drivers to define success Communicate aspirations/ needs to manager to provide focus Take ownership of engagement
Personal Ability Do you have the knowledge, skills, and strength to do the right thing, even when it is hardest? Do you know how to handle the toughest challenges you will face? Assess goals/satisfaction drivers to define success Communicate aspirations/ needs to manager to provide focus Take ownership of engagement
Social Motivation Are other people (including you) – Encouraging the right behavior? – Discouraging the wrong behavior? Assess goals/satisfaction drivers to define success Communicate aspirations/ needs to manager to provide focus Take ownership of engagement
Social Ability Do others (including you) provide (or withhold): – Help – Information – Resources Assess goals/satisfaction drivers to define success Communicate aspirations/ needs to manager to provide focus Take ownership of engagement
Structural Motivation Are rewards – pay, promotions, performance reviews, perks, or costs – encouraging the right behaviors or discouraging the wrong behaviors? Assess goals/satisfaction drivers to define success Communicate aspirations/ needs to manager to provide focus Take ownership of engagement
Structural Ability Does the environment (tools, facilities, information, reports, proximity to others, policies, etc.) enable good behavior or bad? Are there enough cues and reminders to help you stay on course? Assess goals/satisfaction drivers to define success Communicate aspirations/ needs to manager to provide focus Take ownership of engagement
So… Do you want to learn something that will make your job easier/safer/more efficient?
What if… – I identified ways to make work tasks more meaningful? – I found ways to connect my job to my core values? – I made it my mission and purpose to make things better?
What if… – I learned a new skill? – I took my development/growth into my own hands? – I asked for help?
What if… – I encouraged/demonstrated a positive mindset? – I enlisted the help of established opinion leaders to enable or disable negative behaviors? Teach, coach, advocate – I used informal leaders to promote a positive work environment?
What if… – I gathered innovative ideas (i.e. Bright Ideas box) link rewards to what people really care about track ideas/progress on bulletin boards, newsletters, etc. – Created a team reward when the team as whole achieves a goal? – Created a system to recognize and reward each other?
What if… – I reorganized work spaces to remove obstacles and make work processes easier? – I used cues, regular communications, and metrics to keep the importance of engagement top of mind? Accomplishments Impact plans Personal / team success stories Notes of appreciation
The Q 12® Meaningful Understanding 1.I know what is expected of me at work 2.I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right 3.At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day 4.In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work 5.My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as person 6.There is someone at work who encourages my development 7.At work, my opinions seem to count 8.The mission or purpose of my organization makes me feel my job is important 9.My associates or fellow team members are committed to doing quality work 10.I have a best friend at work 11.In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress 12.This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow
Most basic of needs in the work environment When we are allowed to shape our goals we feel a sense of purpose and dedication Pulled in different directions, not always sure what to focus on or how to spend time – could be a source of disengagement How can you impact this element of engagement? Analyze where your time is spent Know your priorities – if you aren’t sure what they are or should be, and speak up! Set measureable performance goals with your manager Q1: I know what is expected of me at work
Taking tasks on that don’t leverage personal strengths can become a big source of disengagement Think about how you feel when you get to do what you love Think about how you feel when you get to do what you love How can you impact this element of engagement? Think about where your own talents, skills, knowledge and passions are – do your teammates or managers know this about you? Recognize the talents/strengths of your teammates and the importance they serve your team Discuss strengths openly with your teammates & ways to partner with others Quickly turn to a table mate and name one thing that you do best. Q3: At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day
Q4: In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work High performing teams regularly give recognition and praise to one another – When was the last time you said thank you or complimented a peer on a job well done? Learn how each person on your team likes to be recognized. Everyone has personal preferences Think to yourself: “What’s the best recognition you have ever received?” Then ask: “Does my manager know this about me?” Honest, deserved, timely, specific and meaningful to the person Avoid general or silly praise Small forms of recognition can be very meaningful!
Q10: I have a best friend at work How do you define a best friend? People who have strong relationships with others outperform those who don’t Workplace friendships may create bonds that last for years Keep in mind, no one can force a friendship to happen Create a climate where friendships might happen Address barriers/issues of trust or bad chemistry promptly Learn about each other Encourage collaboration between team members Fun and laughter is ok!
Q11: In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress Reviews are in the past, development is in the future, progress is what is in between How does this look? Check in frequently to see how things are going Assess progress Focus on contribution to get the best High performing and engaged workgroups check in with one another and they celebrate the wins they have along the way!
Take two minutes and share with a colleague one strategy that you plan to take away from this session today I am committed to…
What If…