Amended Registration This document takes you through the process of amended registrations for the University’s online systems. An amended registration is defined as a change to one of the following: Name Phone Department Street Address Building/Room Approver Accounts All other registrations are new registrations. In order to register, you must be authorized for all of the accounts that you select. If you are not authorized you must have the Account Manager complete and submit the Account Authorization Form.
Amended Registration Reason for Amendment Reason for Amendment Funding/Registration Type: You will need to select the type of funds to be used. Are you using state funds or research funds or both? Funding/Registration Type First and Last Name First and Last Name Phone Phone Department Department Building and Room Number: You may enter up to 2 ship to locations. Building and Room Number Street Address: You may enter up to 2 street addresses. Street Address City and State: You may enter up to 2 city and zip codes. City and State The following information will need to be entered.
Amended RegistrationAmended Registration (Cont) Approver Required: Do your orders require approval Approver Required Approver Information: If orders require approval the name and of the approver will need to be entered. Approver Information List of State Accounts, if necessary: If you have state funded accounts you must enter the account number(s). Accounts must contain 8 digits. For accounts with only 6 digits, please enter 00 for the 7 th and 8 th digits. List of State Accounts List of Research Accounts, if necessary: If you have research funded accounts you must enter the account number(s). Accounts are entered in one of the following manners: or List of Research Accounts Online Systems Requiring Access to: Check all systems for which access is required. Online Systems Requiring Access to Submit Button: Once all information is entered select the submit button. Submit Button
Amended Registration Step 1: Select Amendment
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 2: Enter reason for amendment
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 3: Select Funding Type (a)State (b) Research (c) Both Registration Type (for this example we will select both)
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 4: Enter your First and Last Name Enter your first and last name
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 5: Enter your address Enter your address
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 6: Enter your phone number Enter Phone Number
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 7: Enter your department Enter Department
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 8: Enter your building and room. You may enter 2nd building and room location. Enter Building and Room If needed, enter 2nd Building and Room
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 9: Enter your street address. You may enter 2nd street addresses Enter Street Address If needed enter a 2nd Street Address
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 10: Enter your city and zip code. You may enter a 2nd city and zip code. Enter City and Zip If needed enter a 2nd City and Zip.
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 11: Order Approval. Yes or No? Order Approval (for this example we will select yes)
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 12: Enter your approver’s First and Last Name and e- mail address Enter approver’s first and last name Enter approver’s e- mail address
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 13: Enter State accounts (if necessary). Depending on the Registration Type you selected in Step 2 one or two account boxes will appear. Enter accounts with a ; between accounts and none after the last one. Enter State Accounts (for this example we have both State and Research Accounts) Only enter the accounts that you are adding to your profile.
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 14: Enter Research accounts (if necessary). Depending on the Registration Type you selected in Step 2 one or two account boxes will appear. Enter accounts with a ; between accounts and none after the last one Enter Research Accounts (for this example we have both State and Research accounts) Only enter the accounts that you are adding to your profile.
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 15: Select your vendors. Select the Vendors (you must select at least one)
Amended Registration (Cont) Step 16: Click the Submit Button
When you get this screen, please close out of the application. Do not hit the back arrow. This is the screen that you will receive if all of the information was entered properly. Click the X to close out.
This screen will list the sections where information was entered incorrectly. Select OK and correct those sections. Please note that only those sections where information is entered incorrectly will be listed.
Amended Registration To access the Registration Page, please go to the following link: The Office of Purchasing and Contracts will review your information. If there are no issues with the information that you provided it will be transmitted to the vendor(s) that you selected. If any issues are found you will be asked to resubmit the amendment. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Purchasing and Contracts at