לגבי המצגת לכנס הפרויקטים : 1) לכל פרויקט יוקצו 10 דקות להצגה לכן אנו ממליצים להכין מצגת קצרה וסרטון ( עד 3-4 דקות ). 2) המצגת תרכז את הנושאים המרכזיים בפרויקט. אפשר להיעזר במצגות קודמות אך יש להיזהר מלהכניס רמת פירוט טכנית ( שהיא מיותרת ). 3) המצגת יותר business-oriented ( או פרסומי ) ולא אקדמית. 4) במצגת כדאי להתייחס ל : א ) רקע הבעיה : שקף אחד או שניים על מנת לתאר את התחום הפרויקט ב ) מוטיבציה : שקף אחד אבל חשוב : מה היה צורך לפרויקט ? שיפרתם מערכת קודמת, המצאתם שיטה חדשה ? או כדומה ג ) מבנה המערכת : שקף אחד או יותר ( על פי צורך ). יש להסביר את הפתרון המוצע. במקרה ויש צורך להסבר נוסף, תשתמשו בשקפים מילוליים. ד ) תוצאות הערכה. שקף אחד או שניים ( או יותר על פי צורך ). להסביר תוצאות הערכה. ה ) אתגרים חדשים שלמדתם ואיך התגברתם על בעיות מרכזיות בפרויקט : שקף אחד או שניים ו ) סיכום : שקף אחד 5) בסרטון תוכלו להדגים את המערכת עובדת. אני ממליץ לחשוב על תסריט " מדליק ". לרובכם יש פרויקטים " אינטראקטיביים ". 6) אפשר לצלם לסרטון רק צילומי מסך ודיבוב שמסביר אותם. תוכלו להיעזר בתוכנה שנקראת CAMTASIA חשוב : 1) יש לשלוח את המצגת למנחה אקדמי ומקצועי לפני שהשליחה אלינו עד ה
Project Presentation Replication Process Simulator Academic Advisor: Dr. Eitan Bachmet Technical Advisor: Mr. Assaf Natanzon Project Team: Adiel Ashrov Etai Hazan Benny Michali
ARD Presentation Storage Replication Simulation Introduction Vision The Problem Domain Software Context Functional Requirements Non-functional requirements Use-cases Risk Assessment
Organizations live on the data, and have a strong need for a storage backup system. After storing the data there are still numerous risks that can cause data loss. There is a need for backup order to recover from any kind of failure. Today the Storage Area Network is the infrastructure of the backup to a remote location, this process is called Replication. This process implantation has several bottle necks. Our project focuses on optimization of Replication process. Introduction
This process has two main limitations, the cache size, and the WAN bandwidth. We identify these resources as critical points in the data flow of the Replication process. Our cache flow algorithms will optimize the data flow in a given system. In order to test this algorithms performance on different configurations we will build a storage system simulator The simulator will have an easy-to-use interface which will allow the user the ability to configure the system's structure, choose the algorithm the simulator is using, and get statistics on the simulation. Statistical analysis – what are we going to analyze. Problem Domain
Software Context
ARD Presentation Storage Replication Simulation Introduction Vision The Problem Domain Software Context Functional Requirements Non-functional requirements Use-cases Risk Assessment
Functional Requirements Choose configurations file Choose /Change Flow Control Algorithm Change configuration parameters Save Configuration to File Start Simulation Choose Grape type to display Statistical Analysis
ARD Presentation Storage Replication Simulation Introduction Vision The Problem Domain Software Context Functional Requirements Non-functional requirements Use-cases Risk Assessment
Non-Functional Requirements Speed & Capacity: The system should give an output graph and statistics not more than 15 seconds from the start of the simulation The system should be able to process the simulation and display an updated graphs and statistics (GUI) every 2 seconds. The system could simulate a real life scale of replication(Hundreds of hosts, real bandwidth etc). Reliability The system is not required to support data recovery, self- stabilization or error-correction. Platform constraints The application will be developed in C++ and could work under Windows operating system.
Non-Functional Requirements Safety & Security: The simulator will not demand any permissions or security levels. So this feature is not applicable in this system. Portability The system should operate on Windows (XP/Vista/7). The system should be able to run on a standard pc computer. Usability The system should be simple to manage for a user with a high level of knowledge in storage replication. He should be well acquainted with the way the simulator operates and its different flow control algorithms. The system GUI should be user-friendly and easy to use
Use Case Diagram
Use Case: Choose Configuration Parameters Goal: User wants to choose a file containing the parameters and Volumes data for current simulation. Actors: User Pre-conditions: none. Post-conditions: File name text field contains the chosen path and name of configuration file. Triggers: user chooses configuration file option from the program screen. Basic course of events: 1. User clicks on the Choose Configuration File button on the screen. 2. System displays browse files dialog. 3. User chooses the path and file to read from. 4. System will validates file contains volume data. Alternative paths or extensions: 3.a User enters invalid file type and the system will alert the file type is not supported. 3.b User chooses file without parameters\blank file and system alerts file has no useful data.
Use Case: Choose Graph Type Display Goal: User wants to select which statistics will be shown in graph on simulation screen. Actors: User Pre-conditions: none. Post-conditions: System updates main screen label text to show the type of graph selected. System updated option list and drops the selected type of the list. Triggers: user chooses which statistic graph will be shown on the simulation program screen according to option list on main screen. Basic course of events: 1. User clicks Graph list on the screen. 2. System displays list of statistics graph dialog box. 3. User chooses one graph type. 4. System updated graph option list with the chosen option dropped. Alternative paths or extensions: 3.a User clicks the main screen and doesn’t choose any graph type and system returns to main screen.
ARD Presentation Storage Replication Simulation Introduction Vision The Problem Domain Software Context Functional Requirements Non-functional requirements Use-cases Risk Assessment
Risk Assessments We identify the following points as risks in the development process: Simulation performance and results accuracy level: How can we make sure our simulator is modeling the system accurately? System performs similarly to the real-life. Statistics handling and transfer between levels: How to represent calculated statistics in the Presentation level: How to model I/O behavior and how to recognize behavior: How can we model/implement bursts of I/O? How can we identify these trends/bursts of I/O? How to operate on different algorithms/policies?