Assignor Presentation – February 2011
Middle School Games One-man, no club linesmen, be where action is All Spring games are girls, 30-min halves Most fall games are boys, Arlington exception (boys and girls, 25 min halves) Only PW plays OT, 2x5 to completion You are sole representative of CSOA –Manage venue with coaches/AD –Start time flexible, be prepared for early/late start
CSOA Communication KNOW WHO YOUR PARTNERS ARE Establish a two-way link the day before—phone or Confirm the venue and the start time Make sure all cell numbers are known One person (preferably lead) monitor arbiter Doesn’t hurt to check school website or call school hotline Avoid calling the Athletic Director or staff Avoid calling me for routine matters
Post Game Procedures Verify score and determine sportsmanship points with crew. Lead official keeps game rosters Close out game in arbiter, score and crew verification is all that is needed Complete CSOA game report and ejection report(s) for hard red cards Call Pete’s soccer line to report hard red cards and/or issues with coaches or game administrators that Pete and Dick need to know about
Assignor Philosophy All things equal, minimum travel distance Make sure departure zip codes reflect reality May need you to go south and west, anyway “Accept By” date, now a firm one week out If not accepted, game will be reassigned If you habitually have gear with you, let me know Rescheds come fast and furious, stay tuned Be flexible on rainy days, venues change
Important Dates Scrimmages begin Mar 2 Season begins Mar 14 Spring Breaks are late, Apr in north, week later in Stafford District Play, Northern Region, May District Play, NW Region, May Northern Region Play, May 25-Jun 3 NW Regionals Jun 1-Jun 3 State Play, June 7, 10, 11
Spring School List Northern Region Districts - AAA Schools Liberty Fairfax Jefferson Langley Madison Marshall McLean South Lakes Stone Bridge Concorde Centreville Chantilly Herndon Oakton Robinson Westfield National Edison Falls Church Hayfield Mt Vernon Stuart Wakefield Wash & Lee Yorktown Patriot Annandale Lake Braddock Lee S. County TC Williams W Potomac W Springfield Woodson Cardinal
Spring School List Northwestern Region Districts - AAA Schools Liberty Cardinal Freedom Forest Park Gar-Field Hylton Osbourn Park Potomac Woodbridge Commonwealth (Albemarle) Brooke Point Colonial Forge (Massaponax) Mt View North Stafford (Riverbend) Stafford Cedar Run Battlefield (Heritage) (Loudoun Valley) Osbourn Stonewall Jackson [Patriot HS ]
Spring School List Other Schools Liberty Cardinal Evergreen AA Brentsville Fauquier Liberty Kettle Run Bull Run A George Mason Manassas Park Northern Virginia Independent Athletic Conference (girls only) Trinity Christian, Christ Chapel, Ad Fontes, Fairfax Christian, HEARTS, FHS, WOLA Other Private Conferences (girls only) Delaney (Highland, Seton, EC) Middle Schools (girls only) Highland, Seton, Prince William County, Linton Hall, Aquinas, NVIAC
CSOA and RSRA Partnership