1 Project Proposals for MAI from COSIC Oct. 6th, pm
2 COSIC: who are we? COmputer Security & Industrial Cryptography COmputer Security & Industrial Cryptography –Mobile security and protocols –Fast and secure implementations –Security architectures (XML,... ) –Design & analysis of cryptographic algorithms (Advanced Encryption Standard, RIPEMD) Interdisciplinary and international research group: 35 researchers from engineering, computer science, mathematics, MAI,... and from 12 countries. Interdisciplinary and international research group: 35 researchers from engineering, computer science, mathematics, MAI,... and from 12 countries.
3 COSIC: project proposals Full text of our project proposals can be found at Full text of our project proposals can be found at We will now present these proposals briefly We will now present these proposals briefly Feel free to contact the daily supervisor if you have any further questions Feel free to contact the daily supervisor if you have any further questions
4 1. Java-implementation of Multivariate Public-key Cryptosystems Multivariate Public Key schemes can be used in the context of mobile agents for authentication and encryption of sensitive data. Multivariate Public Key schemes can be used in the context of mobile agents for authentication and encryption of sensitive data. Goal of the project: implementation of a known algorithm in Java. Goal of the project: implementation of a known algorithm in Java. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a Java crypto- provider, i.e., to produce an open source implementation of such an algorithm. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a Java crypto- provider, i.e., to produce an open source implementation of such an algorithm. The finite-field routines - needed for this implementation - are already available. Hence, the students can concentrate on the cryptographic algorithms alone. The finite-field routines - needed for this implementation - are already available. Hence, the students can concentrate on the cryptographic algorithms alone. Office: ESAT Office: ESAT 02.22
5 2. Software security through diversity Software on entrusted hosts has to be protected against attacks. Software on entrusted hosts has to be protected against attacks. A software agent, for example, travels from host to host. Therefore, it needs adequate protection. A software agent, for example, travels from host to host. Therefore, it needs adequate protection. To avoid a global, automated attack disabling the whole agent system, diversity is introduced. Hence, each agent implementations differs on an implementation level, while preserving its functionality. To avoid a global, automated attack disabling the whole agent system, diversity is introduced. Hence, each agent implementations differs on an implementation level, while preserving its functionality. Code transformations could be used to replicate agents, while a genetic algorithms could monitor their evolution. Code transformations could be used to replicate agents, while a genetic algorithms could monitor their evolution. Office: ESAT Office: ESAT 02.20
6 3. Breaking the Grille Cipher 16th century transposition cipher 16th century transposition cipher –Invented by Girolamo Cardano. –Used by Cardinal Richelieu in 17th century –Used by Germans in WWI.
7 3. Breaking the Grille Cipher (cont.) Broken by French cryptanalysts (up to 10x10, 4 months of work) Broken by French cryptanalysts (up to 10x10, 4 months of work) Large secret key: Large secret key: –10x10 -> 2^50 possibilities –16x16 -> 2^128 possibilities Goal: Design clever heuristic algorithm to break arbitrary sizes in real time on a computer. Goal: Design clever heuristic algorithm to break arbitrary sizes in real time on a computer. Office: ESAT Office: ESAT 01.58
8 Mathematical security Physical security?? Side-channels: Timing Power consumption Electromagnetic radiation INPUT SECRET OUTPUT CRYPTODEVICE SECRET KEY 4. Modelling and simulating timing attacks on RSA using search methods
9 input output t t = f(input,secret key) Input 1 t1 Input 2 t2 … Input N tN Find key using search methods (sequence analysis, markov models) … Office: ESAT 01.62