Discrimination on the grounds of Nationality Ana Rita Gil FDUNL, 13 November 2013
Rights on Immigration Context
Rights on Expulsion Procedures Prohibition of Collective Expulsions ◦ Art. 4 of the 4th additional Protocol to the ECHR ◦ Art. 19, n.1 of the EU CFR
Procedural Guarantees in case of expulsion ◦ Art. 13 of the ICCPR & Art. 1 of the 7th additional Protocolo to the ECHR Only for the expulsion of legally resident aliens: Conformity with the law, Authority deemed competent, Right to submit reasons against the expulsion, Right to have the case reviewed, and to be represented for this purpose before the competent authority ECHR: It is not mandatory for the review to suspend the effects of the decision (art 13. ECHR) Rights on Expulsion Procedures
Portuguese Constitution - Prohibition of Automatic Expulsion (Art. 30, n.4) – Ruling n. 359/93 - Procedural Rights (Art. 33, n.2) 1. (…) 2. Expulsion of those who have legally entered or legally remained in Portuguese territory, who have been granted a residence permit or have submitted a request for asylum that has not been refused, may only be ordered by a judicial authority. The law shall assure expedite forms of decision in such cases. Expulsion of non legally staying aliens– purely administrative - possibility of review, but the effects of the decision will not be suspended (Art of the Immigration Law)
Detention of Immigrants Art. 9 ICCPR and Art. 5, n.1, al. f) ECHR 1. Lawful 2. Fair and not impredictable 3. Only applicable if necessary for avoiding unlawful entry or when an expulsion procedure is in course 4. Alternative measures 5. Procedural guarantees 6. Reasonable lenght + periodically reviwed 7. Legal, humanitarian and social aid 8. Adequate conditions
Detention of Immigrants (Portugal) Portuguese Constitution: Art. 27, n. 3: allows imprisonment or detention of, or the imposition of any other coercive measure subject to judicial control on, a person who has unlawfully entered into or remains unlawfully in Portuguese territory, or who is being subject to extradition or deportation proceedings. Immigration Law: Art h – present to the judicial authority - maximum lenght - 60 days - asylum seekers
Recognition of a right to Immigration?
There is no Right to Immigration Right of entry in the national territory– only for National Citizens Art. 13, n.2 of the UDHR: “Everyone has the right to (...) return to his country ” Art. 3, n.2 of the 4th additional Protocol to the ECHR : “No one shall be deprived of the right to enter the territory of the state of which he is a national. ” Art. 44., n. 2 of the Portuguese Constitution: “Every citizen is guaranteed the right to emigrate or to leave Portuguese territory and the right to return thereto” TC – it is only applicable to national citizens (ruling. 359/93)
The recognition of a Right to Emigration Art. 13, n.2 of the UDHR: “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own (...)” Art. 12, n. 2 of the ICCPR : “Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own” Art. 2, n.2, of the 4th additional Protocol to the ECHR : “Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own”
There is no protection against expulsions Prohibition of Expulsions– only for national citizens Art. 3, n.1 of the 4th Additional Protocol to the ECHR: “No one shall be expelled, by means either of an individual or of a collective measure, from the territory of the State of which he is a national” Art. 33 of the Portuguese Constitution: “The deportation of Portuguese citizens from Portuguese territory is not allowed”.
ratio – national sovereignty: - Impact of the immigration on the concept of “State” - Impact of the immigration on the interests of the State
Regularization of illegally staying aliens
Reasons For - Acquisition, by virtue of time, a “right to reside” – adverse possession -End to Exploitation situations -More advantages to the society Reasons Against - “Call efect” - Lost of Borders control -More advantages to the society
Protection of Family and Private Life Reasons to consider (ECHR, Boultif, 2001 e Üner, 2006 ): Legal status of the Alien in the host country; Nature and seriousness of the crime committed; Time elapsed since the commission of the crime, and the alien’s behaviour since then; Existing connections with the host country; Existing connections with the country of origin; Nationality / legal status of the family members; Children involved, their age and socialization in the host country;
Right to Cultural Identity
Controversial Questions: Controversial Questions: - religious symbols - violation of the physical integrity - concept of family
Reasons For - Personal Identity - Easier Integration - Equal Dignity / Respect of all the cultures - Respect for the Culture of origin (Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, 1995) Reasons Against - Fundamental principles of the host country -“Full integration”
Main Principle Main Principle - balance between: 1. cultural identity of the immigrant 2. fundamental values of the host community Advocacy of the Intercultural Dialogue