Do not be a victim
Who is at risk? Everyone is at risk but some persons have higher risk than others
Risk Factors High blood pressure Heart and vessel disease Smoking Diabetes Sedentary Lifestyle Heredity Obesity
What is a Stroke A stroke is the result of injury to brain tissue from lack of oxygen A stroke occurs when blood flow to the cells of the brain is interrupted Blood flow is interrupted by a rupture of either a small or large vessel, narrowing of a vessel or by the lodging of a clot in a vessel that occludes the blood flow
What dose a stroke look like Sudden weakness or numbness on one or both sides of the body Dizziness Difficulty walking Difficulty talking Vision problems Can become unresponsive or have seizures
How do you know if it is a stroke You don’t, if you think it, then take them to the closest emergency room The national stroke association recommends that you use the acronym FAST F-Face ask the person to smile A- Arm ask the person to raise there arms S- Speech ask them to speak T-Time Call 911 immediately
How do you survive a stroke Depends on location of injury to the brain Immediate medical attention within 6 hours of onset of symptoms increase your chances of survival and reduces the risk of permanent deficits.
What can I do to prevent a stroke Regular visits to your doctor for screening Exercise and a healthy diet Pharmacological therapies o Heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure Manage your Diabetes Quit Smoking Be aware of medications that increase your risk for blood clots
Death rates among persons 65 years of age and over