Racism in America Jakob Lpd
Death toll 600,000 people will DIE this year from hate crimes.
Discrimination in the court? Black youths arrested for drug possession are 48 times more likely to wind up in prison than white youths arrested for the same crime under the same circumstances.
In our schools? Students of color are more than twice as likely to be suspended or expelled from school even though they are not much more likely to break school rules than whites.
Reasons this problem happens Racism is caused by parents, friends, family, neighbors and many more. When these people influence children to dislike other races and religions Those children may turn into racists. Modern events such as terrorist acts can cause a bad view on a certain race as well. Things like 9/11 caused much fear and hate towards Muslims, similar things happen When hate crimes by a certain race are performed.
Take action! Inform others on racism and try to prevent it! Don’t be intolerant to others and be considerate. If you see any acts of racism or hate in your school, report it to a teacher or parent!
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