Part 3 Exploring Freely Available Websites November 18, 2011 Presenter: Beverly Choltco-Devlin Funded in part with New York State RBDB Funds through the Central New York Library Resources Council and the Mid-York Library System " is a search engine for jobs, allowing job seekers to find jobs posted on thousands of company career sites and job boards." "The premier global online employment solution for people seeking jobs and the employers who need great people."
Career Builder Career Builder Homepage to Career Builder and to jobs in the regional or other national areas.
Test Prep Preview Test Prep Preview A large number of preview practice tests.
New York Department of Labor New York Department of Labor Everything you need to know about working in New York State.
New York State Civil Service New York State Civil Service Here is information about the state civil service system.
Working Solutions Working Solutions A “collaborative effort among many agencies and programs assisting job seekers, workers and businesses in Herkimer, Madison and Oneida counties. We utilize a 'One-Stop' approach in connecting businesses and job seekers using personal and high-tech delivery of information and services.”
Herkimer County Personnel and Employment Herkimer County Personnel and Employment s/View/9 s/View/9 Access to Civil Service exams and other job opportunities with Herkimer County.
Madison County Civil Service and Personnel Information Madison County Civil Service and Personnel Information Information about Civil Service positions in Madison County.
Mid-York Library System Jobs and Career Resources Mid-York Library System Jobs and Career Resources Annotated list of job and career resources for those living in Madison, Oneida and Herkimer counties. Mid-York Library System BTOP Resources Broadband Technology Opportunity Program with a wealth of job and career resources and links to course materials.
Oneida County Workforce Development Oneida County Workforce Development Scroll down the page to find a list a important contact numbers related to employment, unemployment and other job related information in Oneida County.
Onondaga County Personnel Department Onondaga County Personnel Department “provides a full range of human resource management services for municipal employers, employees and residents of Onondaga County.”
Onondaga County Public Library Jobs and Career Webpage Onondaga County Public Library Jobs and Career Webpage ces/index.htm ces/index.htm A list to a wealth of resources in Onondaga County available through the public library. Baldwinsville Public Library BTOP Program