From the inside out How the Library reaches much further than just the students
Community Effective libraries encourage effective information seekers…
Effective information seekers are more able to research jobs, colleges, and solutions to problems. They are confident…
…and confidence eliminates confusion and does not typically like to stand alone; therefore helping others such as parents and peers become self- sufficient information seekers.
All of which began with an effective library program. “Inside the search process: Information seeking from the user’s perspective.” – Carol C. Kuhlthan
Communities with higher literacy tend to have lower poverty levels. Higher literacy has been linked to effective libraries. Therefore effective libraries have a direct effect on the stimulus of the economy. “The Access Gap: Poverty and characteristics of school library media”- Shana Pribesh,' Karen Gavigan,'^ and Gail Dickinson'
Support is key in the maintenance of a successful library program
The SKILLS Act The SKILLS act will ensure that school libraries are included into the reauthorization of ESEA. The only way to see that it is implemented is to show support to senators and state legislators, explaining WHY your library is effective.
bibliography Kuhlthau, C. C. (1990). Inside the search process:information seeking from the user’s perspective. Journal of the american society for information science, Retrieved from insidesearch2.pdf. Pribesh, S., Gavigan, K., & Dickinson, G. (2011). The access gap: Poverty and characteristics of school library media. The library quarterly, 81(2), Retrieved from &vid=3&hid=101 The strengthening kids’ interest in learning and libraries (skills) act. (n.d.). Retrieved from