Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…
BIS StaffWhat is their job? TeachersClubsPlaces in the School
Staff: 200 Q:Who is the current principal? A:Mrs.Routh
Staff: 400 Q:Who is the vice principal? A:Mr.Smith
Staff: 600 Q:Which janitor helps with the Liberator Loot store? A:Mr.John
Staff: 800 Q:Who sits and watches you punch in your lunch number? A:Mrs.Liz
Staff: 1000 Q:Who used to be the principal? A:Mrs.Boyd
Jobs: 200 Q:What is their job? A:Teacher
Jobs: 400 Q:What is their job? A:Vice principal
Jobs: 600 Q:What is their job? A:Gifted Education
Jobs: 800 Q:What is their job? A:Janitor
Jobs: 1000 Q:What is their job? A:Counselor
Teachers: 200 Q:Which teacher loves running and is a coach? A:Mrs.Newcomb
Teachers: 400 Q:What 5 th grade loves music? A:Mrs.Vote
Teachers: 600 Q:Which special area teacher hosted jump rope for heart? A:Coach Howard
Teachers: 800 Q:Which special area teachers have glasses? A:Mrs.Wilson & Mrs.Goodwin
Teachers: 1000 Q:Which 4 th grade teacher had a heart condition? A:Mrs.Martinez
Clubs: 200 Q:What is the club that lets you stay after school? A:Club Liberator
Clubs: 400 Q:What are the 5 enrichment clubs? A:Music club, Art club, Book club, Tech club, 100 Mile club
Clubs: 600 Q:Which club studies books and stays after school? A:Library Club
Clubs: 800 Q:What is Club Liberator? A:They provide a snack and P.E, and sometimes free recess.
Clubs: 1000 Q:What is the 6 th club for only Tuesdays? A:Math club
Places: 200 Q:Which grade is connected to the 3 rd grade? 4 th or 5 th ? A: 4 th
Places : 400 Q:where do they serve food? A:cafeteria
Places : 600 Q:where do teachers eat their lunch? A:Mrs.Declue’s room or the teachers lounge
Places : 800 Q:where are the bathrooms for each grade? A:End of 3 rd grade hallway, by Mrs.Newcomb’s room, and in the lobby.
Places : 1000 Q:Where are the special area rooms? A:beside the 5 th grade hallway