Taking a stand against domestic violence Running out of silence Taking a stand against domestic violence
New Domestic Violence PSA - "It Rarely Stops" (HD)
At no fault of their own Economics Children Fear Stalking Unchecked mental illness Drugs Alcohol
What is DOMESTIC VIOLENCE? Physical Abuse: Intimidation, pain, injury, bodily harm Sexual Abuse: forcing or threating of unwanted sex Emotional/Verbal and Mental Abuse: privately or publically humiliating, cussing, ridicule and financial control Death!!!
Doesn’t affect YOU!? Even our government ! Problem with domestic violence, it remains silent. Victims compelled not to tell Teachers Loved ones Friends Coworkers Even our government !
1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime? Did you know: 509,230 victims in 2010. Accounted for 13.36% of the national’s violent crimes? 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime? Only 1 in 5 are reported? 30%-60% of abusers also abuse the children in the home?
Montana Each year, approximately five out of every 1,000 Montanans are victims of reported cases of domestic violence – and that doesn’t include those who don’t seek help and suffer in silence. 1 in 5 are reported ~Domestic Violence - Montana Department of Justice (2012).
Economic Impact The cost of intimate partner violence exceeds $5.8 billion each year, $4.1 billion of which is for direct medical and mental health services.
Victims of domestic violence lost almost 8 million days of paid work. This loss is the equivalent of more than 32,000 full-time jobs and almost 5.6 million days of household productivity
There are 16,800 homicides and $2 There are 16,800 homicides and $2.2 million (medically treated) injuries due to domestic violence annually, which costs $37 billion .
My story December 4th, 2009 before after
The victim can become a survivor
My solution: Running out of silence
October 6th, 2012 MSUBillings Activities start-11AM Run/Walk 12PM ----------------------------- Booth fee $50 Runner $25 College $15 High School $10 -
Domestic Violence Abuse Awareness Society
Cites Domestic Violence - Montana Department of Justice (2012). https://doj.mt.gov/victims/domestic-violence/ The National Center for Victims of Crimes – Library/Document Viewer (2011). http://www.ncvc.org/ncvc/main.aspx?dbName=DocumentViewer&DocumentID=38711 National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PDF). http://www.ncadv.org/files/DomesticViolenceFactSheet(National).pdf New Domestic Violence PSA - "It Rarely Stops" (HD)