Biomagnification March 23, 2010
Biomagnification: A greater amount of a substance (toxic chemicals) in an organism (I.e. fish) moves higher up the food chain
How are toxins affecting animals? 1) Mutations, deformities
2) Extinction Osprey birds going extinct because some males can no longer produce
3) Death
“Gender Bending Frogs” Some of us may think these are not things we need to worry about, but… This is an issue that is still with us today, and maybe getting worse video
1) Weed killers: Common weed killer is Atrazine: castrates male frogs and turns them into females that lay eggs 2) Birth control pills Estrogen in pills When released into water system, contaminates water with estrogen Frogs thin layer of skin
Fish Changing Sex
Birth Control Pills and Fish change video
Beluga Whales
Polar Bears Toxins reaching the Arctic Wales, seals, and polar bears have increased values of toxic chemicals in them Increased amounts of PCBs ( polychlorinated biphenyls )
How Biomagnification Works xx xxxx xx 4x 12x 36x 4x 12x xx xxxxxx xxxx xx 108x
Affects on Humans: Fish Tainted Tuna Salmon
2007 Health Canada finally issued a limit to eating canned tuna ProsCons The health benefits of eating tuna have been widely established; high-quality protein low in saturated fat contains omega-3 fatty acids contains mercury dangerous contaminant that can affect the heart, brain and immune system
Mercury in Fish
More toxic food…
Activity: Groups of 5