Clinical Practice RHS 433 – RHS 434 Waleed Al-Shehri,BCs.PT King Saud university College of applied Medical Science Rehabilitation Science Department Physical Therapy Program
Goals Prepare Student to the Internship & Hospital Environment. Complete the Empty Part in the Student Knowledge Before the Internship. Review all Essential Information.
Goals The course is provides PT students with the opportunity to research and analyze information per training to specific clinical topic. It also provides students with the opportunity to present and discuss a specific topic in public.
RHS 433 Mainly Inpatient. Neuro,Ortho,ICU,Burn Unit,Medical. Daily SOAP Note Evaluation. 3 Groups & Rotation every 3 weeks 1) Dr. Ashraf Ramadan 2)Moh. Jazzar 3)Abdualziz Al-Enezi 4)waleed alshehri
RHS 434 Selective Cases. Mainly Outpatient. Evidence-Base Work ( at lest 3 articles). Presentation at the end of course (all staff will be the audience). Hardcopy & Softcopy of project. 1) Dr. Mohammed Taher 2) Dr. Ahmed Azam 3)Moh. Jazzar 4)Abdualziz Al-Enezi 5)waleed alshehri
Presentation Introduction. Anatomy – Physiology – Biomechanics. Indication – Contraindication. Physical Examination - Medical Examination (X-ray). Problem list. Plan of Treatment ( medical – surgical – Physical). Complications. References. Positive Pointes ( Good References, Images Quality, Videos, And A-z Presentation…etc).
Students Evaluation TotalFinal Exam Continues Evaluation PresentationMed Term Exam AttendanceSOAP Note 10040XX20 10 RHS X40 X10 RHS No Excuse for Absence ( Use for inform use or Leadership Before Absence) 1 Day absence = -2 marks of attendance 2 lateness > 10Min = 1 Mark of attendance
Prior Learning Physical Rehabilitation. Susan O’Sullivan & Thomas J. Schmitz Orthopedics Physical Assessment. Magee Therapeutic Exercise. Charolin Kisner Special Test. Clinical Sport medicine. Manual Muscle testing Electro Therapy Hydrotherapy
Physical Therapist & Hospital
Physical Therapist ? –Undertake a comprehensive examination/assessment/evaluation of the patient/client or needs of a client group –Formulate a diagnosis, prognosis, and plan –Provide consultation within their expertise and determine when patients/clients need to be referred to another healthcare professional –Implement a physical therapist intervention/treatment programme –Determine the outcomes of any interventions/treatments –Make recommendations for self management
Physical Therapy Process Assessment: –the examination –the evaluation Diagnosis and prognosis Intervention/treatment Intervention/treatment may also be aimed at prevention of impairments, activity limitations, participatory restrictions, disability and injury including the promotion and maintenance of health, quality of life, workability and fitness in all ages and populations. Re-examination
Physical Therapist Work Area Physical Therapist OutpatientAdministrationInpatient
In Patient Medical Surgical ICU Cardio pulmonary OncologyBurn UnitRehab UnitOrthopedicsNeuro * Not in all Hospitals.
Out Patient Cardio pulmonary PediatricsOrthopedicsNeuro * Not in all Hospitals.
Hospital Roles Work Ethics. Team Work & Leadership. Safety. Infection Control. Documentation. Confidentiality. Communication. …….etc
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