Culture Change in an HEI: the SENDA Agenda Helen Masterton & Sara Doherty.


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Presentation transcript:

Culture Change in an HEI: the SENDA Agenda Helen Masterton & Sara Doherty

Presentation o Context o HEI Case study o Research o Conclusions

Context o Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 o Most radical form of legislation within education in England and Wales to date. o Inclusion debate on the agenda for all areas of education provision.

Compulsory education sector o History of legislation within compulsory education sector concerning inclusion. o Significant period of time since the beginning of the integration/inclusion debate – Warnock 1978 o A range of models of inclusion have been explored within academic debate.

Compulsory education sector o Inclusive practice can be evidenced within the compulsory education sector. o Process of change embedded in culture. o Perceived commitment in terms of training and finances at central level.

Higher Education o Focus on research for professionals working within compulsory education sector. o Exclusive rather than inclusive. o SENDA will force rapid change. o Lessons can be drawn from other sectors.

Research o Work in progress. o Data drawn from one HEI o Training programme implemented. o Evaluations from initial training. o Pilot study o Questionnaires

SENDA Action Plan o Legislative / QAA drivers o Central approach o Embedded in integrated strategies o Cross institution implementation o Central funding for initial training o Restructuring of support services to appoint central responsibility

Areas o Marketing & Admissions o Planning o Learning & teaching o Assessment o Approval & review o Work & learning o Learning resources

o Student support o Physical environment o Catering & accommodation o Development & communication

Actions o All staff initial training o Accessible curricula o Accessible resources o Alternative assessments o Committee reporting o School coordinators o Disability awareness for staff & students o Admission procedures

o Support procedures o Disclosure / Non-disclosure o Confidentiality & DPA o Assessment of Needs o Learning Support provision o Physical environment o Student voice

Into action…Initial SENDA Training o Approved Cross University Action Plan o Senior Management briefing o Audit tool / ‘How to…’ guide to support o Estates Audit actioned

SENDA Training February - September 2003 Series of awaydays to cover legislative responsibilities and internal support procedures for: o Academic Schools o Service areas o College Staff

Responses o Acceptance / resignation o Procedural o Enthusiasm o Anger / resentment o Protectionist o Understanding o Misconception

Evaluations Sample comments: o “Clarification of reasonable adjustments & academic standards and boundaries of support.” o “Reconsider language of disability to move away from deficit model” o “Firm awareness of legal requirements and support framework”” o Enabled some lateral thinking about pedagogic and access aspects of the Act o Former student with a disability provided a real sense of what this means o “Opportunity to flag up previously unconsidered areas” o “Feel much more comfortable about requirements of legislation / don’t understand why some staff are hostile to legislation.” o “Feel better able to advise students now and what actions to take “

o No coffee! o Outstanding issues of assessment & differentiation o More expected from lecturers’ time which is already in high demand o Good biscuits o Ignores good practice already in School

Embedding change o HR compulsory Diversity Induction for all new staff. o Educational Development sessions o PG Cert L&T sessions o PG Cert in Disability Assessment in HE o Approval & Review procedures o Support & communication procedures o Physical environment o School Coordinators

Assessing the Impact – June 2004 o Pilot questionnaire to key staff in service areas and schools o 18 questionnaires sent o 5 responses

Continuing the conversation… o External drivers o Quality issues o Monitoring through committee structure o Professional development of staff o Student voice o Curriculum transformation o Multi-media approach to learning

Culture change….? o ‘Coercion’ by legislation o Some hearts & minds o Fear of litigation o Fees & customer focus o Professional standards in learning & teaching o Catching up with compulsory sector?

Contact o Helen Masterton o Sara Doherty