Human-Machine Interaction in a CASE Environment Paulo Gomes CISUC – University of Coimbra Portugal IJCAI’03 Workshop on Mixed- Initiative Intelligent Systems This work was partially supported by POSI of Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and European Union FEDER, under contract POSI/33399/SRI/2000, by program PRAXIS XXI.
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 2 Presentation Overview Motivations and Goals ReBuilder Mixed Initiative Issues in ReBuilder Conclusions
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 3 Motivations and Goals Motivation: – Intelligent CASE tool. – Management of Software Design Knowledge. ReBuilder main characteristics: – user interface: Unified Modelling Language (UML). – reasoning: reusing old designs; several reasoning mechanisms. – knowledge base: corporate level; build, manage, and use the design repository.
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 4 ReBuilder - Architecture Knowledge Base Case Library WordNet Case Indexes Data Type Taxonomy Case-Based Reasoning Engine Case Retrieval Analogy Design Composition Design Patterns Verification and Evaluation Case Learning Knowledge Base Manager KB Administrator UML Editor... SoftwareEngineer SoftwareEngineer SoftwareEngineer
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 5 Mixed Initiative Issues - Task Design Task – Designer: Establishes the goals for the design process. Requests design information or tasks. – ReBuilder: Provides design information. Performs design tasks. Learns design knowledge from designer interaction.
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 6 Mixed Initiative Issues - Task Knowledge Management Task – Knowledge Base Administrator: Requests advice about case learning. Selects the case base contents. – ReBuilder: Applies several case base maintenance methods, helping the KB administrator to select the case base contents.
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 7 Mixed Initiative Issues - Control The designer has the initiative and controls the design process at high level. ReBuilder controls the sub task execution, asking the designer for information when needed (for example in the verification process). Time Task Level High Low Generate Solution Analogy Generation Verify Solution Validate Method Evaluate Solution Accept/Revise Solution Designer ReBuilder
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 8 Mixed Initiative Issues - Communication ReBuilder uses UML to communicate with the designer – graphical language. Advantages: – Easy to visualize. – Easy for the designer to understand. – It is formal. Disadvantages: – Not in a conversational form, so is hard to identify a control flow. – Needs to integrate some natural language processing at the object name level.
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 9 Conclusions Open Issues and Future Work – Awareness of the designer’s cognitive state. How to identify the designer’s intention. What knowledge to gather. How to deal with different designers (team work). – Proactive behaviour, suggesting actions or tasks. How to interpret the designer’s actions. How to foresee the next steps in problem solving.
August, 2003 Paulo Gomes - IJCAI'03 WKs MIIS 10 ReBuilder information Web site: Research team: – Paulo Gomes – Carlos Bento – Francisco C. Pereira – Paulo Paiva – Nuno Seco – Paulo Carreiro – José Luís Ferreira