Marketing Campaign for St. Michael School Gabrielle Hebauf EDT 631 Simulation Project
Problem Description & Introduction Description –The 8 th grade students are to perform research and develop a marketing tool, specifically a tri-fold brochure (generative activity), for the school while staying within a certain budget. –The brochures will be voted on by the entire student body. –The selected brochure will be reproduced and distributed to the community, prospective students, etc. Introduction –An electronic invitation is sent requesting their attendance at a meeting in the Parish Center Conference Room. –At the meeting the students will be briefed on the problem. –The students will be “hired” by the school commission & principal. –A “Proposal for Services” will be distributed outlining the problem, expenses, and expectations.
Student Roles Students will be given the option to work in groups of two or individually (diversity element). Each group will be assigned two roles: –Reporter – Will gather information from multiple sources, compile the data & analyze the information. Track expenses & costs. –Designer - Assist in analyzing the data; design and generate a tri-fold brochure. Higher-order learning –Develop critical and logical thinking skills (analyze, defend, decide, determine, recommend) –Simulate a real-world situation –Incorporate their own experiences throughout the project –Develop communication skills –Effective & efficient use of technology
Roles Cont’d Decision-making –What sources to use to gather info –What info to include/exclude –Design & layout of brochure to make it an “award winner.” Consequences –Expenses that exceed the budget will compromise the production of the final project and could keep it out of the competition. –Including incorrect or the wrong information can keep it out of the competition.
Debriefing Segment In the same conference room where the problem was introduced. Questions will be reflective, open ended, & promote higher level thinking (Bloom’s taxonomy): –On a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) – 5 (strongly agree) rate your response to the following statements: The overall project was a valuable learning experience. The data collection process went very smoothly. Designing the brochure went smoothly. I would recommend that this project be done again. The project simulated a real-world experience. –What did you like the best about doing the project? Why? –What did you like the least about doing the project? Why? –What would you do the same? Different? Why? –Critique your own performance and participation on the project as a team player and individually. –Defend the methods in which you gathered and included/excluded information. –Defend the overall design and layout of the final product.
Classroom Management Issues Technical difficulties –Computers are old & are showing their wear –Students not knowing how to use the software Team work and cooperation Class size (17) Time –in Computer Class 1.5 hours a week My schedule & availability – part-time and lab is usually full with other classes
Diversity Introduction to project and instructions will be done verbally (auditory learners), visually (documents with the project specifics) & kinesthetic (using the computer for brochure, etc.) Selecting their own groups and their roles or to work individually. Students will have the opportunity to select technologies of their choosing to accomplish certain tasks – journaling, data gathering, compiling and analyzing, oral presentation: –Word-processor –Spreadsheet or tables – , telephone, etc. Layout & design of the tri-fold brochure will be based on their skills and experiences. Oral presentation can be in any manner they choose using their own experiences.
Rubric Assessment Assessment will done throughout the project at different levels to assess various skills: –Interviewing –Final product – brochure –Collaborative work skills –Gather & share info –Analyzing info –Oral presentation The items on the rubrics are to reflect expectations of clients in the “real-world.” The items also inform the students of what is expected of them during the process. Flexibility with rubrics & assessment will be needed as the project develops.