Vegetation Data Management: VegBank Funding: National Science Foundation (DBI ) January 8, 2002 John Harris - NCEAS
VegBank Project supported by: National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis U.S. National Science Foundation USGS-BRD Gap Analysis Program ABI / The Nature Conservancy Project organized and conducted by: Robert K. Peet, University of North Carolina Marilyn Walker, USDA Forest Service & U. Alaska Dennis Grossman, The Nature Conservancy / ABI Michael Jennings, USGS-BRD & UCSB John Harris, NCEAS
Support the National Vegetation Classification. Provide a comprehensive facility to store the most commonly collected vegetation plot data attributes. Provide the user with a large number of user-defined attributes to store not-so-commonly collected data. Integrate plots with the dynamic plant taxonomy and vegetation community data. VegBank Design Goals
Project Plot Observation Taxon Observation Taxon Interpretation Plot Interpretation Core elements of the National Plots Database
VegBank Plots Database
NameTaxonUsage A usage represents a unique combination of a taxon and a name. Usages can be used to track nomenclatural synonyms
‘ beta release March 2002
Collection Integration Archival Extraction Analysis Publication
Development Cycle Preliminary design Build prototype #1 interface User evaluates interface Evaluation studied by designer Design modification are made Build prototype #n interface Supported by 3 other NCEAS Developers Database Design: Aug – Jan Interface Design: Nov – Feb Backend Development: Jan Interface Development: Mar – Backend Version: Prototype 3 Interface Version: Prototype 1 Expected Beta Release: Late Sept. – Mid Oct.
Taxonomy Module Smithsonian meeting: Peet-Taswell model vs Berendsohn model FGDC Biological Nomenclature Working Group Update on ABI & HDMS Prospects for implementation The difficult choice
Logical separation of a "taxonomic name" with the "taxonomic concept", so that taxonomic data can be stored at the most 'atomic' level without ambiguity The ability to incorporate multiple organizations' 'views' of how a taxonomic name is applied to a taxonomic concept The ability to link a taxonomic name used in the Plots database with a 'name - concept' pair in the taxonomic database. *Although one can store vegetation community data in the same database table-structure as the plant taxonomy database, we have implemented two separate table structures and have created two separate data sets. Taxonomy Database Design Goals
Representative tools reflect the desire to have the following features: High performance Robust Open architecture Platform neutral Scaleable Development Choices
Java -- Write once, Cross platform – Linux, Windows, MacOS* Java Servlet -- Dynamic, database-driven, web content JDBC -- Connect to any database - Oracle, PostgreSql, SQL Server backend Swing -- Classy interface tools Beans -- Reusable components Features - JAVA * Not tested yet :-)
XML: is the format for structured data on the Web. Simple and flexible data conversions, using XSLT Straightforward to write generic tools which export parts of a relational database as XML encoded data, or even to write generic code that serializes Java (or other) objects as XML data structures. Examples later… Features - XML
An Example Workflow Using Wisconsin Plots Data What data integration means to us Taxonomic / Semantic Integration Data formatting for database ingestion General Comments about Current Format Data Parsing Transformation to XML standard Legacy Data Loader
Plots Data Integration & DB Ingestion Reformat by Hand Research MS Access MS Excel Perl Shell scripts ? Integration What is meant by data integration? … Plots DB
Taxonomic Integration Carya ovata (Miller)K. Koch Carya carolinae-sept. (Ashe) Engler & Graebner Carya ovata (Miller)K. Koch sec. Gleason 1952 sec. Radford et al Splitting one species into two illustrates the ambiguity often associated with scientific names. If you encounter the name “Carya ovata (Miller) K. Koch” in a database, you cannot be sure which of two meanings applies. Integration
Semantic Integration of Plot Attributes ‘Basic yet Important’ Integration Cover Scales Strata Dimensions Environmental Attributes
Integration Parse Data from Forms into Table Structure to be Transformed into XML Consistent with the Database Structure Text Forms Columnar Tables XML
Integration Parsed Data Text Forms Columnar Tables
Integration Transform Parsed Data to XML Consistent with the Plots Database Columnar Tables Plots DB XML Legacy Data Loader Data Definition (XML)
Integration Data Definition (XML) – Single file siteData.csv ’,’ site data plotCode authorPlotCode 1 communityName 2 …
Integration Data Definition (XML) – Multiple files vegData.csv siteData.csv site data authorPlotCode '+' ‘,’ species plotName authorPlotCode 1 scientificName taxonName 2
Integration Plots Database XML
Existing Prototype Functionality
Vegetation Database Client
Agenda: Over-Arching Concepts Project Overview · Impact · Database Design · System Architecture · Challenges Use-Case Example: Wisconsin Data Data Management Recommendations Future Directions
Vegetation Desktop Database Client
Extra slides to follow:
General Data Management Practices general formats weird formats unusable formats modeled the software after the way that people collect plots data -- at least that is what I thought At times tortuous path to the database in terms of reformating class indicies (these are rectified at the plots loading software step)
Management Case: Example from Wisconsin Baraboo Hills -- Collected Yesterday PEL -- Legacy Data
Data Transformation of Forms