Bloom’s Taxonomy USSF Referee Instructor CourseITIP United States Soccer Federation
Lesson Set: Remember back to when you passed the entry level test at the end of the entry level referee clinic? What did you need to pass the test? Knowledge of the Laws Were you able to go out and apply them, or did it take time to comprehend what was presented in the clinic? Do we expect new referees to perform at a very high level, or would we assess them after their first middle? Of course not. We don’t expect a beginning referee to think about the game the same way we do. We can say they are at a lower developmental stage in their careers. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Taxonomy Taxonomy is the science of classification, i.e. a way to systematically classify items or ideas. Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning is a classification of the way that people learn according to the level of thinking required. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Lesson Objective By the end of this session, you will list in progressive order (from lowest to highest) each of Bloom’s Taxonomy (6) levels of learning to 100% accuracy. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Lesson Set: Imagine teaching an entry level referee clinic and at the beginning you find out that you have students who have never seen a soccer game? Is your objective that you originally prepared for this class at the correct level for the students? Teaching a person to be a soccer referee before they have seen a soccer match is like teaching a person to run before they’ve seen someone walk. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Lesson Set: Your job in creating an objective for any learning is based in part upon your presumed knowledge level of the students with regard to the subject matter. Knowledge is the first building block of thinking and is its most basic form. Since everything is dependent upon the base foundation, you must know and understand the ”Level of Remembering” that the student will be bringing to the learning. Bloom’s Taxonomy
6 Levels of Learning Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Bloom’s Taxonomy
Remembering (Knowledge) Can the student recall or remember the information? List Label Define Name State 9 Bloom’s Taxonomy
10 Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering This is the lowest level of learning. All that is required at this level is recalling specific information. Student is easily judged as having the knowledge absent or present.
Understanding (Comprehension) Can the student explain ideas or concepts? Classify Describe Draw a picture of … Explain Discuss Select Bloom’s Taxonomy
12 Bloom’s Taxonomy Understanding This is the second level of learning. The ability to grasp the meaning of the knowledge being learned. Ability to comprehend what is being communicated and make use of the idea. Can you see that the Remembering level will lead the student into the Understanding level?
13 Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering & Understanding Write down and bring to class each of the following verbs and label which level they would be used (R or U). DEFINEIDENTIFY DEMONSTRATEREPEAT REAARANGEPREDICT RECALLDUPLICATE LABELTRANSLATE SUMMARIZEMEMORIZE
Applying (Application) Can the student use information in a new way? Write Choose Interpret Demonstrate Use Solve Bloom’s Taxonomy
15 Bloom’s Taxonomy Applying After studying a particular thing, the learner will target facts and tend to recall a concept. Ability to use learned materials to perform exercises or solve problems. Ability to use ideas and principles in new and particular situations. Notice as you go up one level that the learner is getting more involved in how the information is being used.
Analyzing (Analysis) Can the student distinguish between the different parts? Examine Outline Relate Compare Question Differentiate Bloom’s Taxonomy
17 Bloom’s Taxonomy Analyzing The fourth level of learning The ability to break down material into its component parts so that its organizational structure as a whole may be understood. Obviously more complex than remembering, understanding and applying
Evaluating (Synthesis) Can the student justify a decision? Appraise Argue Defend Judge Select Support Bloom’s Taxonomy
19 Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluating The fifth level of learning Ability to judge the value of material for a given purpose. Ability to judge the value of ideas, procedures and methods using appropriate criteria.
Creating (Evaluation) Can the student create a new product or point of view? Assemble Construct Create Design Develop Formulate Bloom’s Taxonomy
21 Bloom’s Taxonomy Creating The highest level of learning Ability to put parts together into a unified organization or whole, or to form a new whole. Ability to form new points or new points of view. Learning outcomes at this level stress creative behaviors which usually produce new patterns or structures.
At what level do we expect new referees to perform? Remembering? Understanding? Applying? Analyzing? Bloom’s Taxonomy
At what level do we expect new referees to perform? Probably around the Remembering level for their first few games as an AR. Moves into the Understanding level by the time they do their first center. By the time they are ready to upgrade to a Grade 7 referee at what level should the referee be operating? At what level do coaches and spectators expect referees to perform? … Application? … Comprehension? At what level do most coaches operate, with respect to the Laws of the Game? Bloom’s Taxonomy
A Referee’s Cognitive Domain Grade 8 …. Remembering phase Grade 7 …. Understanding phase Grade 6 …. Applying phase Grade 5 …. Analyzing phase Grade 4 …. Evaluating phase Grade 3 …. Creating phase …. near perfect in all phases Bloom’s Taxonomy
Referee’s Cognitive Domain Remember when you did your first center? Were you operating at the Understanding level yet? Did you know what the major fouls were? Could you identify them while the match was going on? Did you use the advantage clause? Did you whistle for every infraction you saw? These are some of the behaviors (or lack thereof) of the beginning referee Bloom’s Taxonomy
At what level do we expect referee instructors to perform? Remembering? Understanding? Applying? Analyzing? Evaluating or Creating? Bloom’s Taxonomy
Instructor’s Cognitive Domain As instructors, you are expected to operate at the Analyzing level or above. Why is this important. Can you teach the Laws of the Game without first understanding what each part means and how they relate to one another and the whole? Could someone who has never refereed a soccer match be an effective referee instructor? Bloom’s Taxonomy
Instructor’s Cognitive Domain Write out and bring to the in-class sessions: A list of all the items that you would collectively need to teach the foul of “pushing”, and when or when not to whistle for the foul. Identify the level of Bloom’s for each item listed. Bloom’s Taxonomy
Lesson Assignments Write down the following and bring to the in-class clinic sessions: 1)List in progressive order (from lowest to highest) the (6) levels of Bloom’s and provide an example of a process verb for each. 2)Submittal of “Bloom’s Taxonomy” module assignments: Remembering & Understanding Instructor’s Cognitive Domain Bloom’s Taxonomy
USSF Referee Instructor CourseITIP United States Soccer Federation