The Panama Canal
How do you get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean? A Canal!!!
The French… 1880s – French began a canal After 10 years, they abandoned the project 20,000 deaths $280 million
US steps in… 1901 John Hay talks w/ Columbia 1903 treaty drafted –Columbia got $250,000 yearly & $10 million up front –US got 99 year lease on 6-mile strip of land
Columbian Senate Columbian Senate holds out for better terms T. Roosevelt was angry and withdrew treaty
Meanwhile… A revolution is brewing in Panama against Columbia Philippe Bunau-Varilla
Rebellion Nov 3, 1903 rebels set up new government US recognizes the government at once
Back to the Canal Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty gave US complete, unending sovereignty over a 10-mile-wide canal zone
Construction Timeline 1904 work begins –Laborers face harsh conditions and shortages of workers and materials
1905 –Outbreak!! Mosquitoes led to the spread of yellow fever and malaria
1906 Yellow Fever almost eliminated 1913 Malaria under control
Construction Continues
Canal Finished!
1914 SS Ancon
How does it work?