Roosevelt and Latin America
Disease ➲ Yellow Fever killed as many as 85 % of the people infected with it in Cuba. ➲ This posed a great dilemma for America as order was trying to be established in Latin America after the Spanish American War. ➲ Cuban Doctor Juan Finlay believed that Mosquitoes spread this disease and American Army Doctors proved this to be scientifically true.
Yellow Fever ➲ Mosquitos are naturally attracted to standing water. ➲ U.S. Army Doctor William C. Gorgas realized this and made a plan to drain all pools of standing water. ➲ Six months later, yellow fever was virtually eliminated from the city of Havana.
U.S. Control Over Cuba ➲ Leonard Wood, the appointed governor of Cuba, oversaw the drafting of a new Cuban Constitution. ➲ America ignored the Teller Amendment idea and instead created the Platt Amendment- limited Cuba’s ability to sign treaties with other nations and the U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs. ➲ This lead to the creation of a naval base at Guantanamo Bay.
Governing Puerto Rico ➲ The U.S. didn’t make P.R. a protectorate, instead it became it became a governed territory like the Philippines. ➲ Foraker Act- The U.S. would appoint Puerto Rico’s governor and upper house of its legislature. Puerto Rican voters would elect the lower house. ➲ Granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans.
Teddy and the Panama Canal ➲ In the 1880s, the French company began creating a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, but went bankrupt. ➲ In 1902, the U.S. bought the rights to the French canal property and equipment.
Teddy and the Panama Canal ➲ Panamanian revolutionaries were plotting to break free of Colombian rule. ➲ Roosevelt support the rebellion. ➲ Panama declared its independence and the U.S. recognized the Republic of Panama. ➲ Soon a treaty gave the U.S. complete and unending sovereignty over a 10 mile wide canal.
Working on the Panama Canal ➲ There was harsh work conditions, not enough workers, and Yellow Fever was still a problem in Panama. ➲ After 1 month of work, nearly all U.S. construction workers had malaria. ➲ Dr. William C. Gorgas comes again and helps limit the cases of malaria and Yellow Fever.
Malaria ➲ Sanitation workers drained swamps, cleared vegetation, spread oil on polls of standing water, and bred spiders and lizards…..Why? ➲ By 1914, work had been successful and the S.S. Ancon became the first ship to pass officially through the Panama Canal. ?guidAssetId=F B10-4A7E-889C- E54CEE6F3168&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US ?guidAssetId=F B10-4A7E-889C- E54CEE6F3168&blnFromSearch=1&productco de=US
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine ➲ The Monroe Doctrine proclaimed that the Western Hemisphere was off limits to further colonization by European nations. ➲ Roosevelt Corollary to the M.D.- “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”