Feb SCV Who Does What? Am I doing what I should? Duties of the Officers Jonathan David
Feb’2002 SCV training References u Chapter Bylaws u Section Bylaws u RAB Operations manual 9.6 Chapters A. Definition B. Chapter Petition for Establishment C. Chapter Requirements for Membership, Meetings and Activity D. Chapter Nominating Committee E. Chapter Election Process F. Chapter Management G. Chapter Funds H. Joint Chapter I. Chapter Officers J. Chapter Meetings K. Chapter Dissolution
Feb’2002 SCV training How Many needed? u At least 3 o Chair o Vice-Chair o Secretary/Treasurer (may be combined) u You may elect additional officers o Appointments are typical. u Be creative – Make an office for every volunteer!
Feb’2002 SCV training ELECTED Officer Eligibility u IEEE Members, Senior or Fellow. o No Students (except in Student Branch Chapters), or Associate Members u Must be a member of the Section and Society. u Cannot hold same position for more than 2 years.
Feb’2002 SCV training The Chairman of the Board The Chapter Chair shall serve as Chair for all meetings of the Chapter, the Chapter Committee and the Chapter ExCom where such ExCom exists. u Call (set the AGENDA, time and place of) the Planning Meetings & Run them o per Roberts rules of Order…. when needed o Volunteer groups work best with HIGH consensus level; Near unanimity is good! u Find, Recruit and Train new Volunteers. u Encourage and Develop Existing ones. o Unwritten part of the Job. o Negotiate resolutions to conflicts.
Feb’2002 SCV training The Vice-Chair. The Chapter Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in the coordination of all Chapter activities. At the request of the Chapter Chair or in the absence of the Chapter Chair, the Chapter Vice Chair shall chair meetings of the Chapter, Chapter Committee or Chapter ExCom. u When asked, Call the Planning Meetings & Run them (see Chair) u Help the chair do his job & o Find, Recruit and Train new Volunteers. o Encourage and Develop Existing ones. u Often may be inherit an annual task like o Annual Banquet or Workshop.
Feb’2002 SCV training Secretary The duties of the Chapter Secretary shall include correspondence, the keeping of the minutes of the Committee meetings, mailing notices, and submission of meeting reports to the IEEE Regional Activities Department at the end of each year and such other duties as are assigned to him/her by the Chair. u Keep Working Meeting Minutes o Record the Decisions of the Group o Transmit them to the rest of the officers o Inform all committee members of next meeting and its agenda (from chair). u File the Meeting Reports (L-31) for Technical and Working meetings o With SFBAC for full rebate o COPY of report if filed ON-LINE. u Find, Recruit, Train and Develop Volunteers
Feb’2002 SCV training Treasurer The duties of the Chapter Treasurer shall include the development of a Chapter budget for approval by the Section, accounting of all Chapter funds, keeping financial records, and submitting a financial record to the Section. u Submit Year’s Budget to Section.(Feb) u Submit ½ yearly Financial Reports o To Marilyn at SFBAC and Section Treas. u Get IEEE HQ on Bank Signature Card. u Write checks for Valid Expenses. u Find, Recruit, Train and Develop Volunteers
Feb’2002 SCV training Appointed(?) Positions u Program Committee Chair o Group that Finds Speakers and arranges Room u Hospitality Chair o Coordinates the Volunteers that bring refreshments / or with Restaurant for Dinner u Webmaster u list owner u Publicity u Membership o makes sure Forms at meeting, o helps people find Senior Member References. u Workshop/Special Program Chair o For the “moneymaker?” o National Conference in our area u Student Liaison o for Univ. with Program in Field of interest.
Feb’2002 SCV training Do you know what you should do? u Find, u Invite, u Train, u Develop, u Encourage, u Coach, u Mentor, u Teach VOLUNTEERS