CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and First Asian ILC R&D Seminar under JSPS Core University November 7, 2007 13-th ACFA meeting and Closing Remarks.


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Presentation transcript:

CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and First Asian ILC R&D Seminar under JSPS Core University November 7, th ACFA meeting and Closing Remarks

2 CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and First Asian ILC R&D Seminar

3 ACFA The Thirteenth ACFA Plenary Meeting November 6, 2007

4 The 13-th ACFA Plenary Meeting The 13-th ACFA Plenary Meeting November 6, 13:30, A419 The host country of IPAC’13 To establish ILC Asian Office to facilitate collaboration among Asia Chair of the Asian ILC Steering Committee Asia-wide collaboration

5 Agenda 13:30-13:45 Report on renewal of ACFA members (Q. Qin) 13:45-14:00 How to organize IPAC in general (S. Kurokawa) 14:00-14:15 Report of IPAC’10 (A. Noda) 14:15-15:00 Report and discussion on IPAC’13 15:00-15:15 ILC Asian Offices ( M. Nozaki ) 15:15-15:30 Report from ALCSC Chair (W. Namkung) 15:30-15:40 Coffee break 15:40-16:30 Discussion and nomination on Chair of ALCSC 16:30-16:50 Report on J-Parc and collaboration (M. Arai) 16:50-17:50 Other cooperative issues 18:30 ACFA dinner


7 Overall View Poster and Exhibition Conference Cite for IPAC’10 Conference Cite for IPAC’10 May 23-28, 2010 Kyoto, Japan Main Hall (1840)

8 If approved, we will make every effort to organize a successful conference. We will choose a best place in China, possibly Beijing, Shanghai, Lanzhou or Dongguan where the CSNS is located. The Candidate Conference places

9 ILC Asian Office ACFA appreciate the effort of KEK to establish ILC Asian Office to facilitate collaboration among Asia; It is expected that the mission and regulation of the office will be formulated soon; The details need to be discussed further.

10 Chair of ALCSC The Meeting appreciated Prof.W. Namkung for his contribution in Asian ILC collaboration as the ALCSC Chair in the last 5 years; Several candidates to succeed prof. W. Mankung were nominated during the meeting; It was decided to make the selection together with the PAC and ADG members from Asia.

11 Lab reports and collaboration issues Report on J-Parc and collaboration (M. Arai) Report on Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Z.T.Zhao) Report on Taiwan Photon Source (G.H.Luo) Report on HIRFL-CSR (W.L.Zhan)

12 CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and First Asian ILC R&D Seminar

13 Program of CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and 1st Asian ILC R&D Seminar



16 The Working Groups have worked out with the ILC very productively!

17 The Workshop & Seminar reached the goal Review the progress of the ILC Asia regional accelerator related R&D activities in relation with other regions Promote regional and inter-regional collaboration on ILC Promote the active participations from individual countries to ILC Draw more public attention to ILC collaboration, a super-scale adventure of humankind Train young people !!!

18 Young Researchers from IHEP in the meeting Yipeng Sun, IHEP, ILC FODO lattice damping ring design progress Zhanguo Zong, IHEP, LLSC cavity R&D Qingjin Xu, IHEP, China ILC Test Cryomodule R&D Qingzi Xing, Tsinghua Univ., ILC related activities Jiyuan Zhai, IHEP, Some research on ILC high power Coupler Gang Li, IHEP, ILC Control and IHEP Activity ……

19 Conclusions  We have come a long way, and the connecting theme has been a strong physics case, coupled with the development of a coherent concept for the accelerator and the R&D technology demonstrations  This provides a strong base for the future, but there are many steps ahead: costs, LHC results, international management, determining a host and site, funding.  The next goal for the GDE is to be ready to make the strongest possible proposal when the LHC produces results that justify the project. Barry Barish We have come a long way 

20 光荣之路 必艰辛 The road to glory is rugged

21 Congratulate the Success of the CCAST ILC Accelerator Workshop and First Asian ILC R&D Seminar under JSPSCU