Effectively Implementing Standards and Research-Based Strategies with L EARNING -F OCUSED Effectively Implementing Standards and Research-Based Strategies with L EARNING -F OCUSED
How does L EARNING -F OCUSED help you increase teacher effectiveness and accelerate learning?
Pages 1-3 The L EARNING- F OCUSED Instructional Framework
Page 4 Exemplary Practice: Map Standards into an Intentional Progression of Advance Organizers STATE STANDARDS
Develop Curriculum Advance Organizers: The Student Learning Map Mapping Standards Page 4
The Student Learning Map Unit Essential Question Sequenced Lesson Essential Questions Learning Goals for each lesson Major Unit Assignment Page 3 Mapping Standards
Page 4
L EARNING -F OCUSED Lessons Exemplary Practice: Establish Learning Goals and Connect Research-Based Strategies in Every Lesson Page 5
Establish Learning Goals Page 5
The Top Research-Based Strategies are Connected in Every Lesson
Page 6 Effective Teaching... Not just knowing what works - Knowing how, when, and why it works!
Page 6
What did you notice about Higher Order Thinking?
Higher Order Thinking: Increasing the Rigor of L EARNING -F OCUSED Lessons Exemplary Practice: Increase the Rigor of Lessons with Higher Order Thinking
Levels of Learning Adapted from the New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Marzano and Kendall, 2007) Page 5 Higher Order Thinking Page 8
Levels of Learning Chart Page 5 Page 8 Levels of Learning Chart Higher Order Thinking
Quality Questioning
Higher Order Thinking Page 9
Exemplary Practice: Assignments are Based on Grade Level Standards and Provide Students with Opportunities to Demonstrate their Knowledge and Skills Higher Order Thinking: Increasing the Rigor of L EARNING -F OCUSED Lessons
In a study of over 250,000 assignments, the assignments students receive fall further and further behind grade level standards. Addressing the Assignment Gap Page 11 Source: John Holton, South Carolina Department of Education,
Cycle of Low Achievement Page 10
Page 5 Grade Level Assignments Pages 11-12
Exemplary Assignments Page 12
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Accelerating Learning for All Students Exemplary Practice: Scaffolding and previewing grade level curriculum and assignments are planned and provided to struggling students. Additional challenge is planned and provided to higher achieving students.
Accelerating Learning Page 13
Accelerating Learning Page 13
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Effectively Monitoring L EARNING -F OCUSED Classrooms All school-wide professional development activities are accountable through consistent implementation plans based on learning expectations and quality.
Successful Schools’ Implementation Plan Page 14
How does L EARNING -F OCUSED support successful implementation of Standards and Research-Based Strategies?
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