CTE Pathway What we know at this time o an approved program is the major component of a CTE Pathway o 14 technical assessments have been approved for use in the “4-1” Regents exam option (beginning with June 2015 candidates for graduation) o Current graduation requirements must still be met by students in CTE approved programs o Current approved policy permits up to 8 integrated academic credits in approved CTE programs 1
Technical Assessment Three Parts for CTE Program Approval Endorsement o Written* o Performance o Project/Portfolio Many Approved Programs have more than one assessment (new amendment form in place) The Pathways 4+1 is an assessment option * Most of the Department Approved Pathways Assessments in CTE are written tests only 2
Technical Assessment Assessment Expert Advisory Panel (2013) o Cornell and Harvard o National Research Center for CTE (NRCCTE) o University of Kentucky o Recommended 26 technical assessments to Blue Ribbon Commission Blue Ribbon Commission o Appointed by BOR Chancellor o Co-Chaired by Regent Emeritus Robert Bennett and President of MCC, Ann Kress o Reviewed and approved methodology developed to determine comparability to Regents Exams and 13 “proof of concept” assessments o Charged with presenting to BOR for final approval 3
Technical Assessment Criteria Used by Expert Panel (2013) 1.The assessment provides credible evidence that the student is college and career ready. 2.The assessment includes academic as well as technical learning. 3.The assessment is for an occupation in a career cluster that is recognized by the State Education Department and is of clear economic value to the state of New York. 4.The assessment meets technical requirements. 4
CR Requirements (2015) 1.Pathway assessments shall measure student progress on the State learning standards for their respective content area(s) at a level of rigor equivalent to a Regents examination or alternative assessment; 2.Pathway assessments shall be recognized or accepted by postsecondary institutions, experts in the field, and/or employers in areas related to the assessment; 3.Pathway assessments shall be aligned with existing knowledge and practice in the field(s) related to their respective content area(s) and shall be reviewed at least every five years and updated as necessary; 5
CR Requirements 4.Pathway assessments shall be consistent with technical criteria for validity, reliability, and fairness in testing; 5.Pathways assessments shall be developed by an entity other than a local school or school district; 6.Pathway assessments shall be available for use by any school or school district in New York State; and 7.Pathway assessments shall be administered under secure conditions approved by the commissioner. 6
Documenting Student Achievement “…after successful completion”, What does that mean for your programs? How do you know when a student has passed or failed (the assessment)? Can it be verified? Who is responsible for the data being reported (to the home school)? 7
CTE Data Concerns BOCES vs. School District Reporting Expanding list of technical assessments and maintaining accurate information Competing Programs- CTE, PTech, Pathways 8
Next Steps- CTE Pathway Determine student impact for June 2015 Review current approved program requirements and suggested improvements Provide guidance and clarification 9
Questions? Multiple Pathways Information Page o NYSED- CTE Office o - o