ADEA 2008 Biennale Maputo, Mozambique; May 2008 Universal Post Primary Education: Issues, Options and Cost Implications Cream Wright & Enrique Delamonica (From Draft UNICEF Position Paper)
Shift in Focus from Systems to Learners Rights-based education for adolescents Adolescents prepared for productive lives and multiple adult/citizenship roles. Adolescents in transition from childhood to the reproductive period, especially for girls Adolescents develop self-esteem, respect for others, relationships and social skills. Adolescents require diversity of knowledge skills and attitudes to suit their individuality
Classical Structure/Pattern
Inefficiencies of the Classical Structure Starting school later than prescribed age Repetition and drop-out in primary cycle Primary not enough, unless leads to more Transition from primary to secondary is a rationing point for inadequate supply Post primary confined to classic secondary as mainstream (other options peripheral)
Secondary School Age Participation Rates Countries ( ) Attending Secondary Not Attending any school Attending Primary Chad Niger Mali Mauritania Burkina Fa Guinea Bi Senegal Gambia SAHEL
Alternative Structure/Pattern
Patterns of Provision
Progressive Realization of Rights Targeted subsidies to reduce disparities Fair and Equitable access to PPET Multiple pathways to success for learners Alternative provisions and equivalencies Revisiting TVET as a non-deficit model Providing for diversity of talents and needs Multiple providers with different priorities Payment options to make more affordable
Education expenditure as % GNI
Post Primary Expenditure as % of education budget
Projected Post Primary child population
Net enrollment rates
Average annual additional cost of universal post primary schooling in developing countries (10 years) SSA5.82 North Africa1.63 (This number MUST be checked) Total Africa7.45 (This number MUST be checked) Total Developing countries 32.66
Sensitivity analysis: Same cost but for 15 years RegionsTotal ( in US$ billions) North Africa (To be double checked)1.22 Sub-Saharan Africa6.15 Total Africa (To be double checked)7.37 Total32.33
Sensitivity analysis: Same cost for 10 years but using attendance RegionsTotal ( in US$ billions) North Africa (To be double checked)1.08 Sub-Saharan Africa5.92 Total Africa (To be double checked)6.00 Total31.68
Analysis of the correlation between pupil teacher ratios and unit costs
Comparison of cost saving strategies