PURPOSE You will be assigned a specific strategy for solving world hunger – Distribution – Education – Technology – Debt Cancellation Envision one plan to address world hunger that solves each identified strategy problem by combining aspects of all four solutions.
ISSUES OF WORLD HUNGER The World Health Organization estimates that one- third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed one- third is starving.
ACTIVITY You will be assigned into 4 groups. Each group will get one philosophy on how to end world hunger. Each group will represent your philosophy at a round table discussion. Of your group, choose 3 tech-savvy individuals to do some quick research on your philosophy. The rest of the group will discuss and gain a good understanding of your philosophy – what it is, the pros and cons to it, how it might work, etc…
Step 1 Pick one person who understands your philosophy, speaks well and can discuss/debate your philosophy. Although you may not personally agree entirely with your assigned philosophy, your goal is to negotiate to promote their philosophy as much as possible while coming to a consensus with the other three groups.
Round Table At the round table, you have 2 minutes to present your groups philosophy. After all presentations are made, return to your group. Discuss with your group their thoughts – pros and cons to each strategy. Create a strategy which combines all four philosophies to your liking. You have minutes to do so. Do a thorough job!
½ way there Rep’s: Now return to the round-table to present your groups’ philosophy in two minutes. Representatives will then return to their respective groups and have 25 minutes to create a strategy which combines all four just presented.
Final Stretch Representatives again, return to the round- table for the first round of negotiation. Everyone will share their strategy and will attempt to generate one strategy acceptable to all. Please finalize strategy in a written resolution which I will approve as a plan that effectively combines all four philosophies.
Written Reflection 1.What do you see as the most difficult challenges to resolving a health crisis? 2.Why is it so difficult for different groups of people to agree? 3.Is consensus necessary? Why or why not?