1 Academic Writing II Spring 2013 Meet twice a week Monday, Tuesday Time: Monday 8:00-9:50 (3-106) Wednesday 4:10-6:00 (1- 307) Phone: Website: Office Hours: (ICB 319) Wednesday 6-8, Thursday 10-12
2 Today: Homework Due: FOV p Writing Test T1 T2 Homework: Midterm
Week 9: Midterm Exam No classes week 9 April 24 th, Wednesday: 9:00-10:00am *must arrive by 8:20 for listening test
4 IELTS ScoreTOEFL Score
5 -I am going to show... X -I am going to talk about... X -In this essay... X -In this paper let's consider...X Thesis: Avoid Announcements
Movie and Book names Don't use : > or “Title” These are not necessary, as English has spaces and capital letters ….. in the movie Shashank Redemption there is... …. in the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ….
Brands Never use all CAPS in writing, it is not academic Brands are always: Nike, Coca-cola, etc Only some brands are special like iPhone (if the brand uses all caps, then you can use it, check internet to find official spelling of brand)
How Far Can We Go: Argumentative Essay … ellipses (not a complete thought) Rules: 1.Research Essay (3 Academic References) 2.Counter argument + refute 3.Who disagrees with you 4.One quote (1-3) 5.Cannot use first or second person (I, you, etc)
Argumentative Style An argument where nearly 50% of the general population agree, while 50% disagree. Like Task 2 w
10 Activity: Small Arguments (150+ words) 1. Make your own argument about something that doesn’t really matter. It is not a serious social problem. 2. Be creative 3. Choose a small topic 4. It can just be a simple opinion 5. Describe your point and counterpoint 6. Who agrees and who disagrees (two groups)
Example: Bananas are the most convenient food because they have their own wrapper and you can carry them around and trade them. Other's Opinion: Many people think eggs are more convenient, but they can easily spoil or break and make a mess. Counterargument / refute
Example: with small arguments Opinion I like cats. Rice is better than noodles. TVs are bad. Blue is the best color. Argument Cats are a useful pet because they can catch mice. Rice is better than noodles because it is healthier. TV programs are bad for children because they show a lot of violence. Blue is the best color because it can make you feel calm.
13 Social Issue Rule You must choose a topic that at least 50% of people disagree about. Ex: I think eating well is healthy for your life. NO Ex: I think pollution is wrong because... NO Ex: Why the pencil is better than the pen. NO, small problem Ex: How to install windows 7 NO, too small Ex: Once I saw a dog eating a pie. NO, horribly written, not a thesis
14 Don't be afraid if 50% or more disagree. It may be more interesting 50% or more disagree: Ex: Unfortunately, war is important to develop better technology. YES Ex: Unlike my classmates, I think we should study more and sleep less to become more competitive YES Ex: I may be different, but I think smoking is an important way to relax yourself because... YES
15 Social Issue Rule Your topic must be a social issue that can relate to others. Ex: I had a difficult exam last week. NO Ex: I always struggle with English essays. NO Ex: Many people will struggle with exams if they were not properly educated because... YES Ex: Tests should not be given in our university because... YES
16 Must be a big argument Ex: Bananas are the most convenient food because they have their own wrapper and you can carry them around and trade them. NO Ex: Reading magazines is better than reading novels because you can get more information from the pictures. NO Ex: Children should be limited in the time they spend watching TV everyday for their mental and physical development. YES
17 Try to make it an important issue Bottled water is better than tap water Pet fish are better than pet dogs Taking too much medicine is bad for you Eating too much junk food is bad for you ALL NO
18 The government needs to control the food industry more Gender specific schools are better (all-boys or all-girls school) International companies need to be controlled more Lotteries are effective to raise money Curfews help teenagers stay away from trouble and get better grades Companies should not market to children Children should be 17 before dating ALL YES
19 Challenge an Serious Topic You may want to challenge something serious: Interracial adoption, Human Cloning, Nursing homes, Cremation, Censorship of the internet, Organ donation, Death penalty, Animal rights, Gambling, Hunting and Guns, Steroids in Sports, Robots & Jobs, Genetically Modified Foods, Space Exploration, One Child Policy, Euthanasia, Vegan, Student Suicide, Political Dispute
20 Social Issue from Basic Life Growing Up, Love, Friends, Family, Education Jobs Health, Security & Police, Animals, Crime, Censorship Resources (food, water, oil, etc) Child raising, technology
21 Remember At least 50% of people should disagree with you Pollution is bad = No, nearly everyone agrees Government needs to control companies more to prevent pollution even if it hurts the economy = Yes, about 50% will disagree
22 Don't be afraid if 60% or more disagree. It may be more interesting 60% or more disagree: Ex: Unfortunately,... Ex: Unlike many of my classmates, I think we should... Ex: I may be different, but...
23 How far can we go – New Expressions 1.To secure sth = to make sure to get sth Ex: Secure one's salary = to makes sure to get one's salary 2.to promote sth = to get Ex: promote the grade = get a good grade 3.sphere = globe/global world Ex: sphere of influence = area of influence Ex: Sinosphere = Chinese world (East Asia) Ex: Twittersphere = Twitter's world Ex: blogosphere = the blog world
24 How far can we go – New Expressions 4. correct pressure = appropriate pressure 5. pile pressure on (the shoulder of) = put a lot of pressure on sb 6. reclusive behavior = shy / introverted behavior 7. dog eat dog world = cruel world (extreme competition) 8. a burden = negative / influence pressure on you 9. dark depression (collocation) 10.correct pressure is a force that …. force=factor 11.jump to one's death = commit suicide
25 How far can we go – New Expressions 12.to have the eye of the tiger = to be totally focused on sth 13.unforeseen problem = problem that is not anticipated (you did not predict it) 14.loads of sth = loads of stress = a lot of 15.psychological damage = mental damage / trauma 16.muscle one's way = to force your way into somewhere 17.recall = remember 18.alter = change
26 How far can we go – New Expressions 19. strain = stress 20. cater 21. implement = to carry out = to do 22. implementation = the act of carrying out 23.in spite of = despite = although Ex: In spite of having a hurt arm, she played badminton very well. = Although she had a hurt arm, she played badminton very well. 24.get ahead of sb = do better than sb 25.school pressure = academic stress
27 How far can we go – New Expressions 26.daft = stupid (more academic) 27.drop off = fall = decline Hook = a sentence to catch the reader's attention, the first sentence. “In this dog eat dog world, every second 4 people are born, while 2 die.”
28 Activity: supporting evidence p.380 I am for/against organ donation for I am for/against the death penalty (capital punishment) because
Flow Chart Example
Writing Task 1: Flow Chart production, manufacturing process As featured in the flow chart, there are ______ steps that ________. Notice the general trends For the conclusion, just paraphrase your introduction. Illustration = diagram, illustrated figure, set of pictures, layout, drawing, representation of _______
T2: Synonyms 1. talent = ability, skill, to have a knack for sth 2. to be born with talent = inborn talent = innate talent = raw talent/ability = god-given ability = to be endowed with gifts 3. a genius = a savant = an idiot savant = born a genius = a naturally born genius = gifted kids = hand picked by god 4. fostered talent = book smart, learned abilities, acquired knowledge 5. the age old question of nature vs. nurture = book smart vs. street smart 6. “hard work beats talent” Quote: “hard work beats talent when talent refuses to work hard” 7. on the other hand = to the opposite end 8. clever = street smart, to have moxy, to be cunning (like a fox), to be savvy, to have the right stuff, to be mentally deft
Vocabulary Chap 7 Words: accuracy, accurate demonstrate, demonstrative, demonstration achieve, achievement intense, intensity, intensely alter, alteration mental, mentally reject, rejection attribute, attributive, attribution motivate, motivation, motivating stable, stability challenge, challenging emerge, emerging participant, participate, participation consistent, consistently perceive, perception Vision, visual, visually
WRITING TASK 2 - Outline You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Recently, there has been a debate about athletes in sports. In 2008 Michael Phelps was accused of using Marijuana while in 2013 bicyclist Lance Armstrong was found to have been using “performance enhancing drugs”. To what extent do you believe they should be punished? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words
WRITING TASK 2 - Outline You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that nuclear technology is a danger to life on earth, while others believe it can bring great benefits to mankind. Which side do you support and why? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words
Write about the following topic: These days the collegiate system in Western academia relies on students loans to pay for its costs and this has contributed to the problem of student debt. Who should be responsible for paying college costs: the parents or the students themselves? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.
The university's bread and butter is student loans Crushing debt Interest rates Filial piety
Activity: Choose one, write topic, thesis, supporting evidence What is the most important quality of a good friend? What do you think can make friends break up? Why do modern people have fewer friends these days? What do you think of the educational system in your country? How can teachers encourage creativity in students? Who is the most successful person you know? Do you think an adventurous spirit is born or nurtured? What kind of people are more likely to succeed? Who do you admire the most?
Example 1. What is the most important quality of a good friend? Topic: Important quality of friends Thesis: Friendship can teach us the benefits of teamwork, as well as how to get along with others and be successful, therefore trust is an essential quality in a good friend.
42 Essay: Useful Idioms 4: on Money 1. bread and butter = ? 2. bread winner = ? 3. bring home the bacon = ? 4. at all costs = ? 5. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth = ? 6. face value = ? 7. to cash in on sth = ? 8. hit the jackpot = ? 9. strike it rich = ? 10. to be in the red = ?
43 Essay: Useful Idioms 4: on Money 1. bread and butter = reliable income 2. bread winner = the supporter of the family 3. bring home the bacon = bring home money for family 4. at all costs = no matter what 5. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth = rich/spoiled kids 6. face value = the obvious value, surface value 7. to cash in on sth = draw out money, take advantage of sth 8. hit the jackpot = to get rich, lucky 9. strike it rich = to get rich 10. to be in the red = to be in debt
Activity – make a sentence with the following idioms Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth face value hit the jackpot to be in the red
Common Idioms 3 Apple of my eye Carry a torch for someone Kick the bucket / have a bucket list Diamond in the rough My knight in shining armor Have your cake and eat it too All the world's a stage Be like clay
Common Idioms 3 Apple of my eye = your treasure Carry a torch for sb = carry a secret love for sb Kick the bucket = to die Diamond in the rough = sth good in the bad My knight in shining armor = your hero Have your cake and eat it too = best of both worlds All the world's a stage = everyone plays their part in this world To be like clay = moldable, easy to control (person) *neutral word *
Activity – make a sentence with the following word sets Jane, clay Bill, diamond in the rough Bill, kick the bucket Jane, have her cake and eat it too
Essay Types: You will write 2 essays and weekly journals 1. Remembering an Event ( words) Something that happened to you. An interesting event that you remember clearly. 2. Writing a Profile ( words) You will describe something or someone. 3. Proposing a Solution ( words) You will discuss a problem and explain how to fix it 6. Journal Entries These will be given by the instructor. They will cover various topics. Very similar to IELTS Task 2 questions 7. Vocabulary Quiz A weekly quiz on the target words
49 Course Schedule: Lesson ALesson B Week 4Essay 1: Choose your topicT2 Week 5Essay 1 Rough Draft Due (550+ words) Week 6Essay 1 Final Draft WEDNESDAY(550+ words) Week 7T1 T2 J3 Week 8Quiz J4 Week 9Midterm
Journal 1 Different Shops Write an essay comparing and contrasting the experience of shopping at two different kinds of stores. Use specific reasons and examples to illustrate the stores' similarities and differences. Use 4 vocabulary words from Chapter 6
Journal 2 Choose an IELTS Task 2 question and answer it. Remember choose a trend or a problem. Then use the format “what are your opinions on this” Use 4 vocabulary words from Chapter 6
Journal 3: Bucket List A bucket list is a list of things you want to do in your life before you die. Although this is a creative writing assignment, you must still follow the correct structure as usual words, follow normal structure: Introduction, Body, Conclusion. Make a thesis
Journal 4: IELTS T2 Choose a science or technology based IELTS Task 2 question and answer it. Remember choose a trend or a problem. Then use the format “what are your opinions on this” Write the question clearly and paraphrase it for the introduction words, use 4 vocabulary words from Chapter 7
Journal 4: Tech TOPICS: people's reliance on machines, government spending money for space exploration and development of new energy tech like ITER or CERN, military tech, functional robots Will modern people forget basic survival and necessary skills like writing and cooking because they use machines too much? How do you think people in the future will use robots? Why do people long for tech?
Homework Journal 4