What is Intellectual Property? English 9: Preview Lesson on Copyright Law for Upcoming Research Unit
Definitions – Words Alone intellectual: a person who places a high value on or pursues things of interest to the intellect or the more complex forms and fields of knowledge, as aesthetic or philosophical matters, especially on an abstract and general levelwhoabstract - property: ownership; right of possession, enjoyment, or disposal of anything, especially of something tangible
Definition: Words United intellectual property: Property that can be protected under federal law, including copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, and inventions. Such property would include novels, sound recordings, a new type of mousetrap, or a cure for a disease.
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BLOG Joe Piselli's Intellectual Property Blog Joe Piselli's Intellectual Property Blog
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Reference Page Free Online Dictionary for English Definitions. (2011). Retrieved March 1, 2011, from Dictionary.com : Intellectual Property. (2011). Retrieved March 1, 2011, from The Lectric' Law Library : Intellectual Property & Plagiarism, Part 1. (2010, February 17). Retrieved March 1, 2011, from Teacher Tube : 486&title=Intellectual_Property__amp__Plagiarism__Part_1& vpkey=b44a80f83c Wordpress. (2011). Freshly Pressed. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from WordPress.com: