Issue Date: Revision: IANA Stewardship Transition - Moving forward APNIC 39 Fukuoka, Japan – 2 March 2015 [Date[ [xx]
Future Steps Develop IANA Functions Service Level Agreement (SLA) between ICANN and the RIRs Develop the “Review Committee” Keep a watching brief on discussions and developments in: –t–the domain names community (CWG) –t–the working groups on enhancing ICANN’s accountability (CCWG) 2
Process for the development of the IANA Numbering Services Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Elements of the proposed Service Level Agreement (SLA) It will be contract between ICANN and the RIRs –Instead of the contract between ICANN and NTIA It will deal with: –Services to be provided by ICANN to the numbering community –Consequences for failure to provide services to agreed levels –Term (period) of the SLA, and termination –How to resolve disputes –How to deal with intellectual property rights –Governing law and jurisdiction Recitals: –Mutual recognition or roles and responsibilities –Commitments to policy development processes 4 This document is uncontrolled when printed. Before use, check the APNIC electronic master document to verify that this is the current version.
SLA Development Process Several parallel activities RIR work with ICANN –Based on CRISP proposal –NTIA requirements Regional RIR meetings, Mar-Jun 2914 –APNIC –ARIN –RIPE –LACNIC –AFRINIC Final outcome: Agreed SLA 5 This document is uncontrolled when printed. Before use, check the APNIC electronic master document to verify that this is the current version.
Community Discussions on Elements of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) Separability of IANA numbering services from ICANN? –What is best for security, stability and resiliency of the Internet? When is it appropriate to change the provider for IANA numbering services? –Under what conditions? Who can take over the performances of IANA numbering services? –Who would choose, and with what criteria? How should disputes with ICANN be resolved? –Mediation, then arbitration? Where? 6 This document is uncontrolled when printed. Before use, check the APNIC electronic master document to verify that this is the current version.
Issue Date: Revision: 7