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Web 2.0 Tools Wikis for Education
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Web 2.0
Global Economy
Would you like to… move students beyond 'searching for information' to using it and creating it? get better results from student projects and research? provide more equitable access to digital tools and resources? integrate 21st-century skills into the curriculum? foster more collaboration with teachers to benefit student achievement? create a website in seconds and post information, images, video, hyperlinks, and sound? 0%29
Web 2.0 Tools in Education
Who will be prepared for the new world and how will we help them?
Categories of Skills Needed Digital-Age Literacy –Basic, scientific, economic, and technological literacies –Visual and information literacies –Multicultural literacy and global awareness NCREL 2003
Categories of Skills Needed Inventive Thinking –Adaptability and managing complexity –Self-direction –Curiosity, creativity and risk taking –Higher-order thinking and sound reasoning NCREL 2003
Categories of Skills Needed Effective Communication –Teaming, collaboration, and interpersonal skills –Personal, social, and civic responsibility –Interactive communication NCREL 2003
Categories of Skills Needed High Productivity –Prioritizing, planning and managing for results –Effective use of real-world tools –Ability to produce relevant, high quality products NCREL 2003
Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Old Version New Version
First 24 hrs. of changes at the London bombings in Jimmy Wales
Traditional Web Page AuthorWeb PageAudience
Wikis Web Page Author/ Audience Author/ Audience Author/ Audience Author/ Audience
Wikis in Plain English
Using Wikis in the Classroom
Wikis Uses Take the place of Moodle, Edline Blackboard, or other course management tools Classroom management Course work Calendars Discussion boards Videos Drop boxes Collaboration
Why use Wikis to Deliver Content? No prior knowledge needed Green Dynamic Interactive Not usually vandalized Allows for discussions in a nonthreatening manner Maintained from year to year
Images Sound Text Similar media objects – An avatar is an example Hyperlinks to internal and external resources Wikis can contain:
For Students Detailed instructions on how to use the wiki Stress that they cannot mess anything up – the history will allow pages to revert to previous versions Practice first to get comfortable with using wikis Set conventions – abide by the rules Put expectations on the home pageexpectations
For Students Be patient – not all are tech savvy Wikis work best in a problem-solving environment or something that requires common goals and collaboration. Define and identify student roles, activities, and assessments. Model collaborative behaviors
Managing the Wikispaces wiki
Issues with Wikis
Editing in Wikispaces
Wikis for Coursework K12 Learning 2.0: Tools for 21st Century Teaching & Learning Next Steps in Using Technology Podcasting Workshop
Wikis for Coursework Wiki about how to create a virtual field trip using a wiki Handout Educational Origami: Virtual Field Trips Wiki about how to create a wiki UMBC – Eukaryotic Genetics and Molecular Biology – Course content
Collaborative Pages by my Students Google Sites: Biometrics Wikispaces: Internet Safety
Demonstrations Wikispaces Google Sites
Google Sites Tutorials From Radford University Google Sites #1: How to Create a New Site Google Sites #2: How to Edit and Add Media to your Google Site Google Sites #3: How to Change the Appearance of Your Site Google Sites #4: How to Share Your Site