Project Castle Point Basketball By: Trey, Mike, and Leo.
Our Goal To provide a mentoring atmosphere that kids in the neighborhood can attend. To create a public/private partnership with St. Louis County Parks and Recreation department, St. Louis County Police Department, private corporations, and volunteers to achieve a better quality of life for our kids and our community.
Why? Basketball courts encourage healthy lifestyles, deter crime and offer an alternative for our at-risk youth and young adults. Keep children and teens out of trouble. Teach kids how to interact with each other on one team.
Location Lewis & Clark Castle Point Mo Size: 28,000 SF 3 NBA sized courts with 6 half courts. Shuttle bus for kids.
Funding Camp- $50 membership per person annually. Fundraisers – Car washes, selling candy, Community- send out flyers to communities for donations. Nike – Construction cost and equipment. Basketball shoes and uniforms. St. Louis parks and recreation grant potential.
Staff Needed and Salary Operations Manager - $100,000 Office Manager - $60,000 Part-Time Secretary - $30,000 Janitorial Service - $30,000 Counselor – $50,000 Referees - $20,000 Coaches - $50,000 Security - $150,000
Security Two on-staff police officers Medal detectors Surveillance camera Lit parking lot
Cost of Development In Texas, a basketball court at sq. ft. it ran $2,400,000. as a renovation. Our court is the same size so we predict that it will cost about the same amount which is around $2,400,000. This will cover everything including demolition, masonry, steel framing, drywall and interior finishes, plumbing, HVAC, electrical and fire suppression.
Sponsored by Nike Nike will provide all players with a pair of game shoes and two different uniforms for Home and Away. Also, provide the organization with the basketballs needed to play.
Coaching and Mentoring Coaches will teach fundamentals of basketball while mentoring kids so that they’ll be better citizens. Team building Counselors would be able to help with homework or other issues.
Fundamentals Basketball Basics Drills Offense Defense Shooting Passing Rebounding Dribbling Positions
What We Expect It To Look Like
Crime Statistics According to People For Parks Oregon “there is a 25% decrease in the rate of juvenile apprehensions in St. Louis Missouri due to recreation centers and parks”. We hope to help lower that percentage even more with our organization. Especially in the summer time where teens get bored and find trouble therefore raise the statistics of Crime rates which increase between six and sixteen percent, depending on the crime in St. Louis; according to Yahoo voices.