What is Health Mr. Gross
If you had three wishes what would you wish for?
You have attended your annual physical and found out that you have cancer You have ten days to live. Would you like to change your wishes? Do your wishes have the same value that they had ten minutes ago?
Health Health is the combination of your physical, emotional, social well-being
Are You Healthy? Seven to Eight hours of sleep Eat three nutritional meals per day Proper weight min of aerobic exercise 3-4X/wk Wear a seatbelt and a helmet Avoid harmful substances Ask for help when you need it Do you like and accept yourself Get Along well with others Express your emotions in a healthy way
Physical Health Are your body systems working properly Are you coping with daily life Proper nutrition Physical activity Sleep
Mental/Emotional Health Self-esteem Personal relationships Enjoy learning View mistakes as an opportunity to grow and learn Focus on positive thoughts
Social Health Getting along with others Work and play in cooperative ways Make friends Tri Ven Diagram
Reduced Life expectancy Smoke two packs a day -8yrs Drink 3 or more oz alcohol/wk -10yrs Overeating -5yrs Excess fat in diet -5 yrs Sugar consumption -8 yrs Lack of exercise -10 yrs Obese -10 yrs Over stressed -7yrs Handling Toxic chemicals -3yrs No seat belt -3yrs
If a good friend was using drugs would you tell the parents of that good friend?
Health Continuum The way you live The decisions you make Health is dynamic moving along a yard stick
Lifestyle Factors 8 hours of sleep per night Eating nutritious foods Refrain from tobacco use Eat breakfast daily minutes of daily activity 3 x/week No alcohol or drugs Maintain recommended weight
Prevention Wear your seat belt Wear sunscreen Avoid unsafe areas Wear protective gear Avoid distractions Do not drink and drive
Health Education Providing health information that influences people to change attitudes
Health literacy To be health literate a person must be A critical thinker and problem solver A self-directed learner Effective communicator A responsible productive citizen Promotes health of the community
Heredity/Environment Traits and properties that are passed along biologically from parent to child Somatotype Hair color Diabetes You have little or no control over
Behavior The way you choose to act within your environment and within your inherited abilities has a great impact on who you are and your overall well-being
Physical Environment Parks Mountains Farm land Amusement parks Clean Foggy
Social Environment Your family Other people that you come in contact with on a daily basis Poor Rejection Abuse Drugs Illegal behavior
Cultural Environment Collective beliefs, behaviors and customs Ethnic Community Religion School
Behavior Habits and choices pertaining to Nutrition Exercise Driving Alcohol and tobacco Sexual behaviors
Cumulative Risks Negative effects accumulate No seat belt Speeding Radio operation Texting on the cell phone Drinking
Accepting responsibility for your own health and for the health of others is a positive step toward wellness
Health Are you alert and well rested Are you ready to take on daily challenges Do you have a positive outlook Are you eating well Are you getting along with others Are you physically active