Chapter 10: Respiration Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Movement into and out of the organism
A. Respiration - _________ is the life process responsible for releasing ______ from food - Breathing brings in ____ to allow ______________________ to happen in your cells - Respiration occurs __________ in ____ organisms: animals, plants, bacteria, etc. - Usually involves the ________________________
1. Respiratory Surface Exchange _________________________ between the organism and the environment Must be: a) _________ to allow diffusion to occur quickly b) ________ because O 2 and CO 2 are dissolved in water c) in ______________________ – usually the external environment d) in contact with the ________________ to be able to carry O 2 to the cells The larger the _________________ the more materials can be exchanged
2. Gas Exchange in LARGE Multicellular animals a) Aquatic vs. Terrestrial - O 2 in water is usually less than 1% but O 2 in air is 20% - O 2 diffuses slower in water than in air - Air breathers must keep their respiratory surface moist b) External vs. Internal Respiration - External respiration is the exchange of gases between the organism and the environment - Internal respiration is the exchange of gases between the blood and body cells c) Respiratory Pigments - allow the blood to carry more O 2 than just plain water - ex: _____________ = a protein pigment that carries O 2 in the blood
B. Human Respiratory System 1. Organs of the Respiratory System ______ are the primary organs made of microscopic air chambers surrounded by blood vessels a) ______________________________ - ____ – ______; stop foreign particles - _____ – _______ bacterial and small particles - ________ – ______ foreign particles; ________ air - __________ – blood _______ air - When you breathe through your mouth you don’t get these advantages
b) __________ – back of the throat - _________ – directs air to the lungs; blocks food from entering the lungs c) ___________ = _______________ - _______ = ________ – located on top of the trachea Vocal cords = cartilage bands that vibrate - Trachea is covered with __________ on the outside of the tube keeps it open but the cartilage is __________ enough to allow the trachea to expand and contract - Inside the trachea the cells are lined with ____________________ d) ______________ - _____________________ the left and right lung
e) ________________ - small branches of the bronchi inside the lungs f) _______________________ - elastic air chambers located at the _____________________ - walls are ______________ _________________ - covered with ____________ ___________________
2. Breathing - Lungs do not contain muscle tissue – need help to move air - _________ = muscle that aids in breathing a) ____________ – draws air in 1) Ribs move ____________ 2) Diaphragm moves _______ 3) Volume in chest cavity ___________ 4) Pressure ______________ 5) Air moves__________ b) Exhalation – forces air out 1) Ribs move ___ and ____ 2) Diaphragm moves _____ 3) Volume in chest cavity _____ 4) Pressure ____ 5) Air move ____ c) Respiratory Center in the Brain - measures amount of CO 2 in blood why not O 2 ? - involuntary control of breathing Breathing animation Breathing
C. Cellular Respiration - process by which organisms release _____ from nutrient molecules - usually ___ combines with ________ to make _________________ - ______ is the chemical molecule that cells use for energy - H 2 O, and CO 2 are ________________ from cellular respiration - Cellular Respiration is an enzyme controlled reaction Cellular Respiration Overview Cellular Respiration Overview 2
Aerobic Cellular Respiration Anaerobic Cellular Respiration _________________________ Normal breathing brings in O 2 for cellular respiration During ________________ humans use up O 2 faster than they can bring it in Anaerobic Cellular Respiration Produces ____________ as a waste product Lactic Acid cause muscle ___________ Occurs in the ____________ Cell that need more energy have more mitochondria
D. Diseases of the Human Respiratory System a) ________________ - causes ________________, and breathing difficulties - ____________________ of the air passages - often caused by an __________ reaction b) _________________ - lungs lose _________ – not stretchy - alveoli walls are damaged _____ ___________________ - shortness of breath, wheezing - usually caused by environmental factors
c) ______________ - infection / inflammation of bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli - swell and clog with mucus - severe coughing and breathing difficulties d) _______________ - __________________ stops gas exchange e) _______________ - uncontrolled growth of lung cells
f) DO NOT SMOKE - it causes and aggravates many respiratory disease some effects are irreversible - it’s your choice