LS1 planning meeting
Comments on LS1 schedule Schedule reviewed last week with Yann + TC… sequence after OD looked too squeezed therefore DCal SM installation delayed by one week (Joseph informed) Issues: –DCal installation DCal phone meeting 3 rd September (tbc) –TRD SM insertion Bernd says realistically speaking we will have only three SMs during LS1. –TOF slot depending on: Date completion LV modification BKF Availability all rails (Yannick) + installation (10 SM must be moved) I hope we can finalize these details by beginning September. 15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro2
15/8/13 LS1 plan 2013Weeks Remove plug, mobile shielding, open doors8-9 Prepare for PHOS extraction, remove RB24 beampipe and PMD10 Remove PHOS cradle and modules, transfer TOF crates on SF11-13 Modify L3 services and install YP for TRD1714 Modify L3 services, remove TRD17 and rework LV distr. TRD , DCal tests in SXL Modify L3 services, open low-beta and swap Q5L8 magnet, DCal tests in SXL2, new UPSes20-23 Swap PHOS beams with DCal beams25-26 Install DCal support structure and rails27-30 DCal and PHOS services + complete support structure and rails31-37 Open Days – / Install 2 1/3 DCal modules, new L3 ventilation ducts PX24 (Oct-Nov)42 Install 3 DCal modules (C-side) and remove infrastructure (w45)43-45 Rework LV distr. TRD TOF electronics repair49-51 Xmas pause52-1 Done Ongoing Done LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro3 Done
15/8/13 Detailed plan till end of the yearWeeks Empty SA2 (SX2) + install new CR1 racks30 Install new CR1 racks. DCal Al rails and I-side extensions 31 DCal Al rails and I-side extensions. Anti-collision system32 DCal cabling, work at DCal support structure, clear SX2 hall for OD 33 DCal cabling, clear SXL2 for DCal SM storage, install 2 T0 racks (C33-34), reinstall CR1 rack door covers34 Test anti collision system (Mon or Tue), CO2 cabling, arrival 4 DCal SMs (Tue/Wed)35 Finalize DCal support structure (Mon-Wed), installation CO2 bottles C-side, maintenance TRD rotator, +1TRD (tbc)36 Fix DCal rotator (Manoel), DCal installation platform, arrival dipole OD37 Open low-beta and install scaffolding, PHOS and DCal cooling pipes38 OD preparations - OD39 Remove scaffolding (start Tue), remove ACR tables, remove portable chiller40 Close low-beta41 Install 2 1/3 DCal modules, PX24 scaffolding (L3 ventilation)42 Modify DCal infrastructure, PX24 scaffolding (L3 ventilation)43 Install 3 DCal modules (C-side), new L3 ventilation ducts44 Remove DCal infrastructure and install TRD infrastructure45 Rework LV distr. TRD and install TOF rails46-48 TOF electronics repair49-51 September August LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro4 October Nov-Dec
15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro5 LS1 plan 2014Weeks Extend SAA3 shielding2-6 Install top/bottom TRD counterweights7-8 Remove comp. magnet and Suspend Miniframe9-11 Install TRD with yellow platform (bottom)12-14 ‘Un-suspend’ Miniframe15-16 Reinstall TRD1717 Concrete walls & TRD installation frame18-19 Install TRD4-5 (top) & counterweights20-21 Remove TRD infrastructure22 Reinstall ZEM and comp. magnet23 Reinstall and bakeout RB24 beampipe24-25 … … Install 4 PHOS + 3 DCal (A-side) supermodules Reinstall PMD Close plug, L3 doors, reinstall shieldings45-48 (Nov.) latest
Status UPS upgrade CR1: done. 2 racks less than foreseen CR2: done. Y row UPS, X-Z rows normal power. Replacement 32A -> 63A CB next week CR3: 1-2 racks to be connected CR4: done CR5: CV cable to be installed Rack between EBD and EXD installed last week To be done: Interlock with SX2 ventilation On-battery signal False floor mezzanine UPS support and false floor in front of UPS500 Project should be completed by end August 9/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro6
Renaming CRs racks We have renamed all the CR1-4 racks, in order to: – avoid non-conventional naming (e.g. X01A, X01B…) – foresee place for non-installed racks update CR drawings (Arturo, Maridor) update DCDB information (Andre, Mateusz) install proper labels (Andre, Fred) inform detectors (Andre) 15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro7
ACR planning Kick off meeting Wed 4 th September 14:00 Before end August: Remove personal objects (all subdetectors) w34-35: move DCS, SLIMOS, LACS consoles and visitor token distributor to WR3 (upstairs) + key PAD/MAD Remove screens and PCs (and WR1&2 tables) Remove fire detection system (incl. piping) September: w36 (Mon-Tue): remove Ethernet cables (MTE) w37-38 (tbc): remove 220V cables (SPIE) + lights October-December: w40 (starting Tue 1/10): move ACR tables and chairs to SX2 (right after OD) Remove ventilation outlets Remove false ceiling, walls and doors. Install new windows Install isolation panels and electrical ducts concealed in the plasterboard walls Install false floor and cable trays January-February: Install 220V and Ethernet cables Modify ventilation ducts (and unit) Install new false ceiling and lights Install fire detection system March: Install tables, WiFi, move consoles back in ACR, telephones Finalize cabling April-May: TVs, screens and PCs Contingency 15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro8
Opening low-beta (w38) 15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro9 ALTEAD: remove blocks 9 to 24
15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro10 Scaffolding 35 persons max.
TENT LHC DIPOLELHC DIPOLE Kids corner DAQ TOF TRD ? Cosmo phone ITS Exhibition Control Room Annex 4 – P2 surface entertainment area (SX2) Restaurant DCal ? Shop 9/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro11 DCS
Cooling All CP in stby (except SSD-SDD) 1 chiller put in operation already this week. Primary cooling stably back in w40 D.Piednoir absent till 9/9 contact Jani Lehtinen or Denis Dumas if needed Portable chiller needed by LHCb w40 Power cut (18kV) foreseen on 2-3/9 in order to make electrical connections in SU2 Lonjon still to confirm 9/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro12
Cabling DCal: – LV, Ethernet, HV ongoing. – Should be completed by next week however LV cable too short, CH has ordered more. LV consolidation: – Restart next Monday, once Samuel is back – Charles-Henri to review schedule with Samuel CO2: – Started, will be finished by end August
PHOS cabling & DCal 15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro14 PHOS cables and fibers below space-frame re-arranged such to be able to install DCal SMs.
Status CO2 project Cables bundle and minimax boxes done and at Cern Cabling in progress from Cr5 to Ux25 Installation in October Thermo cables ordered Pyrotechnic valves at P2 Bottles refilled installation in September System installed before end of year
Status N2 project 15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro16
SM to be moved by 1m – 1.3m in A-side directionSM to be moved by 15cm in C-side direction TOF interventions Yannick informed. All rails should be ready before TOF intervention (November)
Rain - actions Coming two weeks: GS to contact TSO in order to establish action plan in case of rain SXS2: roof inspected and cleaned last week (GS) >>> ACR: GS will move pipe outside SX2 building <<< P2: Vallier has intervened this week to clean both foul and rain water networks now regular cleaning Long term: modify and repair the P2 drainage network – See R.Morton’s presentation at July LSC meeting: confId= /8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro18
Gas Still in the process of searching and fixing leaks on SF6 and C2H2F4 lines (DT and MEF). SG2: scales (C2H2F4 and i-buthane) will be installed next Monday. Ar dewar re-connected, will be put in service in the coming weeks. Then the N2 dewar will be removed (September). SF6: heater will be installed around SF6 bottles (already done in CMS) this winter. 9/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro19
Access and perturbations The UMTS equipment covering ALICE lift and cavern will be replaced and upgraded to HSPA+ the 15th August. –The UMTS900 services in the cavern could be disrupted during 30 minutes. –The work will be performed at the surface in the SD. –The GSM and TETRA services wont be affected. Test 18kV 2-3/9 will stop UX racks (tbc) Les tests secours CERN seraient maintenus au 3 septembre 2013 de 7h00 à 7h10. Les tests auto-transfert seront probablement planifiés mi-septembre après la remise en service de la liaison MP2 (de nouveau en panne depuis vendredi dernier 9 aout 2013…) 15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro20
AOB Leak rack A21 water stopped. Issue: relief valve hidden below cables. Action: Philippe to check with Andre next Monday CV promised to fix leaks along ITS ventilation duct CR5->UX. Nothing done yet. Fan replacement for Wiener and CAEN (April) Andre to contact concerned detectors. ADAM: signal ON/OFF. Request sent to Jacopo/Donatella 15/8/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro21