Author: Lindsey Woolsey NIST-MEP
There’s a shift underway... New jobs Better jobs Returning jobs New technologies New Products New Markets
Manufacturing Matters 12 million + jobs in the U.S. 2/3 of all private sector R&D Employs over 60% all domestic scientists and engineers Attracts the most FDI than any other country 65% of all U.S. trade Premium wages and strong multiplier effect Major support sector for our country’s other economic drivers: healthcare, defense, energy, construction, business services
Another shift underway... The ecosystem of innovation and production is increasingly intertwined Old paradigm: companies rely on synergies of association New paradigm: companies actively create them
Renewed Focus on Workforce Development Rapidly changing equipment and technology Skill gaps across multiple levels: entry, mid, advanced Lack of experience on the job Misperceptions by young people about what manufacturing jobs really are Education and training programs that are misaligned with real needs
Manufacturers face a choice:
Depending on: firm size, type of company, urgency of need, availability of right worker at right time
Not “Or”, but “And” Must be a Make & Buy strategy for each company Must be a Make strategy for Colorado’s education and training institutions o They cannot do this alone o Need strong and ongoing industry input about: Critical occupations Knowledge, skills and abilities of those occupations