PATRAS Collaboration meeting 1 Status in SR8 Martyn Davenport
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 2 Status in SR8 SR8 last 2 months End of shutdown Start of data-taking (details Jaime) Comments on data-taking Shutdown for PATRAS Comments on CAST PC network LHC 8 cryogenic tests (quenches) soon Validity of CAST data ? (Zaragoza) TAO Coherence Windows Roadmap for 3 He system Updated roadmap 3 He cold windows Schedule MM line installation 3He system 50mbar end 2007? Timetable for request for extension Conclusions
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 3 End of shutdown Change magnet movement drive cables TPC much less noise MM more noise ??? (need experts to debug) Bake-out RT vacuum line MFB-MRB Reduce long-term outgassing of H2O onto windows Cool-down magnet OK, no leaks found on cryostat/new VT3 Sun filming Julia to report Check of mis-alignment V1 V2 vacuum lines (inside MFB) with vacuum in cryostat OK Mini-GRID OK (I believe) very similar to previous ones However - should we realign the magnet ? GRID & sun tracking do not agree (Julia?). –Hence do we understand measurements well enough to move ? We need a meeting of experts to decide (video +Juan?) TAO tests by Nuno with new cold bore pressure probe Power up magnet 1 training quench SR8 last 2 months 1 arc min radius Mini-grid points magnet moving as in sun tracking
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 4 SR8 last 2 months Startup eventful MM test of MM line elements compatibility with CCD-Telescope Problems – modifications needed Problems with MM V4/V3 V5 CCD turbo, late service Eco-dry primary Unstable vacuum in CCD (H 2 bubbles rising from newly-maintained eco-dry) Bojon solved in 1 hr in between other jobs – brilliant. No replacement yet. Start of data-taking (details Jaime) MM Misalignment (see next slide) TPC source calibrator arm Quench on last shift – CERN-wide power cuts. New mechanical support technician – Yves (paid by CAST CERN ‘in kind contribution’) Comments on data-taking (see Jaime’s report) Jaime doing a great job as run coordinator (+ TPC expert+ default shifter) Number people at CERN inadequate since restart Heavy load on personnel at CERN ( MM not fully covered, …….) Several breakdowns – difficult decisions change or not pressure Strategic spares essential, systems already running for 3 years. Already broken ad hoc rules concerning changing gas pressure Feedback from detectors MM & CCD (computer Munich) sometimes slow
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 5 Micromegas alignment after intervention Was 5 mm Was -11 mm When CCD telescope + MM line which beam line to align ? Need response from MM in next days – another adjustment of alignment ?
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 6 SR8 last 2 months Start of data-taking (details Jaime) MM Misalignment (see next slide) TPC source calibrator arm Quench on last shift – CERN-wide power cuts. New mechanical support technician – Yves (paid by CAST CERN ‘in kind contribution’) Comments on data-taking (see Jaime’s report) Jaime doing a great job as run coordinator (+ TPC expert+ default shifter) Number people at CERN inadequate since restart Heavy load on personnel at CERN ( MM not fully covered, …….) Several breakdowns – difficult decisions change or not pressure Strategic spares essential, systems already running for 3 years. Already broken ad hoc rules concerning changing gas pressure Existing = (sunrise) >90% telescope (sunset) >50% Feedback from detectors MM & CCD (computer Munich) sometimes slow
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 7 SR8 last 2 months Shutdown for PATRAS Agreed at Zaragoza Trying to exploit time Laura – maintenance of failing compressor + cryogenic quench recovery procedure Nuno – tests with / without window heaters Must fix schedule today and send to Tapio instructions (see next slide) Program for Nuno MM realignment ? Some outstanding jobs Install Drytel # 2 on MRB (see slide) Leak test (Bojon) Test functionality of interlocks Complete installation horizontal and vertical magnet position reference systems CAST PC network Discussions with CERN network experts Must either follow CERN standards or go alone and take consequences No CAST expert available to make decision and take responsibility Main problem is Juan’s PC. Taking steps to clone it with new equipment for eventual replacement
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 8
9 Nuno -Should we do V=+/- 8 for completeness ? Ioannis – should we realign the MM?
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 10 SR8 last 2 months Some outstanding jobs Install Drytel # 2 on MRB (see slide) Leak test (Bojon) Test functionality of interlocks Complete installation horizontal and vertical magnet position reference systems CAST PC network MD doesn’t understand enough to make decision Discussions with CERN network experts (+ Thomas & Silvia & Markus) Must either follow CERN standards or go alone and take consequences No CAST expert available to make decision and take responsibility Main problem is Juan’s PC. Taking steps to clone it with new equipment for eventual replacement LHC 8 cryogenic tests (quenches) soon – could affect CAST strongly Requested study into decoupling CAST from LHC 8 (will cost significant money) No reply from TS-EL group –overloaded by LHC work) now have to go up TS hierarchy
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 11 Validity of CAST data Zaragoza worries TAO/Window spots/Coherence TAO See Nuno for details No longer my main worry. Coherence CAST in unchartered territory Cold windows/helium filling cold bore/heaters on cold window flanges Thermal gradients/density gradients along magnet Yannis Semertzidis & Markus supervising a simulation –Yannis concludes coherence loss from spatial separation axion/photon not a worry GOOD End effects due to cold window region being at higher temperature (with/without heaters) Nuno making good progress modeling How to distinguish between end effects outside cold bore & magnet –long gradients? Tests on CAST with laser –When install MM need system ready –Program of measurements/ definition and preparation of hardware University institutes have specialists to advise? –Ideally Need system similar to time-domain reflectometry in cables
PATRAS Collaboration meetingYannis Semertzidis, BNL How about spatial coherence? x-ray refraction: 1.The x-rays/axions do not overlap 2.The x-rays travel longer paths than axions n’ n The important parameter here is pressure uniformity in cross section… i r axions x-rays The coherence is lost…
PATRAS Collaboration meetingYannis Semertzidis, BNL A numerical example For a 10m long magnet the axion/photon missing each other by 1/2 wavelength when
PATRAS Collaboration meetingYannis Semertzidis, BNL Example with 4 He gas Generalized for any m a
PATRAS Collaboration meetingYannis Semertzidis, BNL Checking the temperature uniformity Can use a laser light to probe the uniformity, e.g. 5mK temperature gradient in the cross section, along the whole length of the magnet can produce up to 4mm shift on a red laser light…(effect goes as ( 1 / 2 ) 2 = =4 10 6 ).
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 16 Validity of CAST data Windows Window heaters - history Spots on windows discovered just before data-taking No way to monitor with all detectors installed on beam pipes ‘Wet’ TPC recently – outgassing from plexiglass –H2O, Ar, CH4 –Limit opening times VT1&2 to tracking time –Motivated move to make true differential pumping (order DRYTEL #2) Window heating should we turn it off? End effects penetrating into cold bore (Nuno looking into this) Will get more significant as gas density increases? Do all tests possible to provide data –Starting this week (heaters on/off + tilting magnet) Turn off heating more frozen material accumulating on windows –Estimate ~ 5microns H2O = 15 microns PP window As gas pressure increases self absorption in gas makes window contamination problem less significant WHEN TO MAKE DECISION ? Now? 6 mbar (1month)? Systems to monitor window coatings/transmission Provision in CF for some developments in this line In meantime must make protocol for when to bake out the windows Mr Bojon and Tapio to help in calculation.
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 17 Effect of 1 µm ice on window
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 18 Roadmap for 3He system End May Complete the design report Submit to CERN cryo-safety committee Submit to an external referee(s) (MD hasn’t contacted them yet) Launch any outstanding calls for tender Conceptual design study of integration of components inside cryostat First discussion with Central workshop the intervention at end of 2006 Final cost estimates June Complete MOU to allow spending End June Technical design review Green light to start ordering system Start execution drawings for integration of components inside cryostat July Start ordering November Must be ready to start intervention work February He cold windows must be ready for installation Tapio and Nuno will organize necessary meetings and prepare the technical design report.
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 19 3 He cold windows No work so far done My priority after CERN-Workpackages & MOU Provisional plan to start July 2006 (6 months available) Order more PP15,12,13 Make 4 good spares for CAST 4 He Make several windows flanges + strongback CERN + FREIBURG Make metrology to measure planarity Glue windows Progressive pressure tests Check deformation of strong-back (metrology) Modify strong-back parameters if necessary Check deformation of strong-back (metrology) Cryotests and combined cryo-pressurisation tests Some modifications to cryolab test system needed Make and test new windows Cryolab + Panter
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 20 Schedule When will MM-Line be calibrated and ready for installation? Can the 3 He roadmap be maintained Should we disrupt data-taking to install MM line before November? Yes, better to see 1 month data in 2006 Then know if there are any modifications to do during shutdown Can synchronizes with changeover to 2-step pressure settings Will push stoppage for 3 He transition later Will need all time we can to be ready Make provisional schedule assuming MM-Line ready start September
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 21 Provisional CAST Schedule 2006
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 22 Provisional CAST Schedule end 2006-end 2007
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 23 Planned Scientific Programme (MTP June 2005) NA48/3 TP; R&D required NA60 LoI for cont. HIE ISOLDE New tgt; add. beamline Rec. Expts. ILC Expts.
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 24 All= TPC and MM & CCD measure all pressure steps 1.5 hr per step All= TPC and MM & CCD measure all pressure steps Half =TPC measures half steps and CCD/MM the other half 2 mbar14 mbar
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 25 Conclusions See Zaragoza conclusions still relevant (next slide) Lot of work to be done to be ready for 3 He Significant time recently spent of helping out detector groups Cannot continue Nuno (& MD) need to concentrate on 3 He preparations not day-day Need good team in SR8 to cover day-day requirements of data taking Looking out for potential problems Need detector representative at CERN Too minimize intervention times Ensure good relation with experts in institutes
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 26 Comments on data taking in 2006 Experience of first short data run Loss of data taking efficiency Disruption in run planning/pressure changing Breakdown in hardware Non- availability of experts Need essential spares for key equipment Detector pumps Beam line vacuum pumps Computers Need strategy for computer systems at SR8 Hardware problems Some standardisation would be useful (TPC & MM) Protection against infiltration Juan PC is a continuing headache as it is cut off from network Define criterion for acceptable data at a given pressure setting Existing = (sunrise) >90% telescope (sunset) >50% Fast feedback from detector fast analysis Need a team who know the general CAST system (vacuum, He gas) First line of response if problems But also to routinely follow tendencies and anticipate problems A comprehensive shift plan with run coordinators & shifters & general CAST team coverage Welcome a discussion on these points A data taking czar appointed to coordinate these issues ?
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 27 Conclusions See Zaragoza conclusions still relevant (next slide) Lot of work to be done to be ready for 3 He Significant time recently spent of helping out detector groups Cannot continue Nuno (& MD) need to concentrate on 3 He preparations not day-day Need good team in SR8 to cover day-day requirements of data taking Looking out for potential problems Need experienced person to be data-taking czar Little decoupled from day-day running Need detector representative at CERN Too minimize intervention times Ensure good relations and contact with experts in institutes
PATRAS Collaboration meeting 28