Australian Health Ethics Committee Professor Colin Thomson address to International Dialogue on Ethics European Commission Bureau of European Policy Advisers Brussels 19 February 2009
Establishment Created by Commonwealth legislation: National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992, s.35 A principal committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council
National Health and Medical Research Council: principal committees Chief Executive Officer Council Research Committee Australian Health Ethics Committee Public Health Committee Human Genetics Advisory Committee Embryo Research Licensing Committee
Statutory functions advise the Council on ethical issues relating to health; develop and give the Council human research guidelines; c.any other functions conferred by the Minister after consulting the CEO; by the Act, the regulations or any other law. On Committee re-appointment every three years, Minister confers additional functions
Additional functions (current) 1.develop and give the Council guidelines for the conduct of health research involving humans, additional to those required for function (b); 2. promote ethical conduct in health and medical research involving humans; 3. support and facilitate the work of institutions and of human research ethics committees in the oversight of health and medical research;
Additional functions (current) 4. foster community debate, and consult with relevant stakeholders on ethical issues in health, and health and medical research; 5. provide advice to Council on ethical issues in health research and medical research; 6. monitor international developments in ethical issues relating to health and health and medical research involving humans, and liaise with relevant international organizations and individuals.
Membership Chair – (member of Council & not member of Research Committee) Persons with: knowledge of the ethics of medical research; expertise in law; expertise in philosophy; expertise in religion; experience in medical research; experience in public health research; experience in social science research; experience in clinical medical practice; experience in nursing or allied health practices; knowledge of the regulation of the medical profession;
Membership (continued) understanding of health consumer issues; understanding of the concerns of people with a disability; and no more than 2 other persons with expertise relevant to the functions of the Committee. Membership to include membership of all other principal committees Before appointing new members, Minister required to consult appropriately
Recent completed work National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 (revision) Challenging Ethical Issues in Contemporary Research in Human Beings Ethical guidelines on the use of assisted reproductive technology in clinical practice and research (revision) Ethical Guidelines for the Care of People in Post-Coma Unresponsiveness (Vegetative State) or a Minimally Responsive State A Guide for Families and Carers of People with Profound Brain Damage
Recent completed work Organ and Tissue Donation After Death, For Transplantation: Guidelines for Ethical Practice for Health Professionals Making A Decision About Organ and Tissue Donation After death Organ and Tissue Donation by Living Donors: Guidelines for Ethical practice for Health Professionals Making A Decision About Living Organ and Tissue Donation
More information ealth_ethics/ahec/ m
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