Chapter 17 pp
Outcomes of Scientific Revolution Scientific Networks New ideas of scientific revolution were not accepted immediately in the universities, so other groups formed to discuss and debate the new science ○ Eng. Royal Society: improve natural knowledge ○ French Royal Academy of Science Each organization tried to expand knowledge
Outcomes of Scientific Revolution Science and Religion Argument from design ○ Complex design of nature proved a divine designer Atheism ○ Belief that there is no God Deism ○ The clockmaker God Blaise Pascal’s wager
Outcomes of Scientific Revolution Science and the State Thomas Hobbes ○ Defended absolutism using science ○ People, left to themselves, will just attack one another – they need an absolute ruler John Locke ○ Opponent of absolutism ○ Government rests on the voluntary contract between ruler and ruled
Outcomes of Scientific Revolution The Nature of History views of human history ○ Pessimistic The sad story of decline and decay from an original high point ○ Cyclical Humanity passes through high and low stages ○ Moderns Human history is the story of intellectual progress Timeless universal laws do not admit of history being a time of decline and decay