Academic Eligibility & Extracurricular Status Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Objectives Texas Education Code When does academic eligibility apply? When should agents consult with school officials? Academic Eligibility Information Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Texas Education Code Texas Education Code identifies organizations or activities that are considered extracurricular activities and establishes rule for them Texas AgriLife Extension Service supports the Texas Education Code Extension faculty must be dedicated to supporting the code. Texas 4-H and Youth Development
When does academic eligibility apply? ALL 4-H competitive events, including livestock shows, require 4-H youth to be academically eligible in order to compete. Applies regardless of day or time of week the event takes place. Eligibility requirements apply regardless of whether they are enrolled in public, private, or home school Texas 4-H and Youth Development
When should agents consult with school officials? Agents should consult with school officials at the beginning of each school year Discussions should include: –How to obtain excused absences –Date names should be turned into the schools –Whether students are academically eligible –When agents should consult with officials on academic eligibility for events Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Academic Eligibility Information Extracurricular activities – 4-H must be designated as an extracurricular organization in each of the individual school districts residing in the county Adjunct faculty appointment – local school boards can recognize County Extension Agents as adjunct staff members which enables the school to count the student in attendance for the Foundation School Program purposes. (must be approved by school board) Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Academic Eligibility Information Academic Eligibility Information – verify academic eligibility to compete in 4-H competitive events/activities Academic eligibility information and authorization to receive an excused absence – verify academic eligibility as well as receive authorization to receive an excused absence. Used for events held during school hours such as stock shows, state and national 4-H contests and events. Texas 4-H and Youth Development
More information TEA-UIL Side by Side – debyside.pdfhttp:// debyside.pdf Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Major Show Entry Night Meeting Sometimes held in November before major show entry deadlines Share new rule and regulation changes May also develop one pager outlining any announcements and send via or mail. Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Develop Information Flyer for Local Feed Stores Fliers are an excellent way to disseminate information to the public about upcoming events Feed stores are an excellent location for fliers if allowed Establishing relationships with feed store owners are critical so fliers may be posted Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Summary No one perfect way to communicate information to 4-H families Key is to have multiple strategies Perfectly acceptable and more impactful to repeat information with multiple sources to increase chances of everyone receiving the needed and pertinent information Texas 4-H and Youth Development