Its GRASSY!! Brantley & Alaina & Patrick 2 nd Block Honors Biology Ms. Cox
Grassland is….. A Grassland is a biome composed of large communities covered with rich soil, grasses, and similar small plants.
Where in the World….. Grasslands are located in North America, South America, Africa, and Europe. Grasslands are located in North America, South America, Africa, and Europe.
Where’s my umbrella?? It’s raining.... The grassland gets 10 to 30 inches of rain per year.
How HOT???? The average temperature of the grasslands is -40 degrees and 70 degrees F.
How long is the growing season??? There are two main growing seasons in a grassland- the dormant season and the growing season. In areas that receive long cold winters, the dormant season is long. The grasses therefore don’t have long growing seasons and are not able to reach their total height.
Growing Season Continued. The rainy season of the southern climates also determines how long the growing season will be. The temperature needed to grow grass is generally 50F.
That’s Unique…. A prairie dog is one of the unique characteristics of a grassland. Wheat is mainly grown in the grasslands. Grasslands are dominated by grasses instead of shrubs and trees The grasslands weren’t always grassy; they were once covered in trees. The grassland is covered with lots of grasses but very few trees. Most of the grassland soil is rich and fertile because of all the decomposing grass.
That’s Unique (continued…) Grasslands are all for the most part very hilly due to surrounding mountain growth Grasslands are all for the most part very hilly due to surrounding mountain growth Precipitation is to scarce to let trees grow. Precipitation is to scarce to let trees grow. Grasslands could have covered the at one time about 15 million years ago. Grasslands could have covered the at one time about 15 million years ago. The grasslands have been called many different names depending on which country. The grasslands have been called many different names depending on which country.
Look at them plants……. There are many plants in the grasslands. These plants make up the grasslands. There are many plants in the grasslands. These plants make up the grasslands. Buffalo Grass Buffalo Grass Sunflower Sunflower Crazy Weed Crazy Weed Asters Asters Golden Rod Golden Rod Blazing Stars Blazing Stars Cone Flowers Cone Flowers Turk’s cap lily Turk’s cap lily Wild Bergamot Wild Bergamot Iron Weed Iron Weed
Look At Those Pics….
Roar!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are many animals in the Grassland Biomes. These animals mainly graze through the grassy lands eating the tall grass. Coyotes Coyotes Eagles Eagles Bobcats Bobcats Gray Wolf Gray Wolf Wild Turkey Wild Turkey Fly Catcher Fly Catcher Canadian Geese Canadian Geese Crickets Crickets Dung Beetle Dung Beetle Bison Bison Prairie Chicken Prairie Chicken
Say Cheese!!!!!