Erpingham V.C Primary Family orientated, child centred, nurturing ethos with supportive church links Good standards maintained over recent years Highly differentiated teaching and learning meeting the needs of every child High quality Forest Schools learning environment Outward facing approach to school development taken by Governors and staff Governors and staff have a good understanding of the potential benefits of school to school collaboration or partnership Governors and staff are keen to build on existing collaboration with other schools Stay and play. One session per week ‘pre-school’ provision established providing improved community links and prospective annual Reception intake Well qualified and committed staff who are keen to develop their careers with associated benefits to the school
Shaping a vision with Governors, Community and staff. Erpingham Primary context: A very small school such as Erpingham is working in a degree of isolation which can restrict opportunities for children with related leadership development and capacity and recruitment issues Erpingham Support Group. The group comprises of Mary Jane- Edwards, Bob Bone, Richard Snowden and Amanda Mawbey representing Norfolk L.A. Imogen Waterson representing the Diocese. Chris Allen, Partnership Head and consultant. John Longhurst, COG and Simon East, Acting Head. The group has met on three occasions and fully supports potential future partnership work. Aim to maintain the good standards and broaden access to the curriculum by improving opportunities for children to develop academically and socially Aim to develop engagement with local communities Aim for increased, focused staff development Aim to increase numbers of children at the school Aim to reduce the schools’ vulnerability to potential closure
21st Century Schools - partnership and collaboration Partnership must become central to the organisation of the system. Schools will need to work with one another and with other partners in education and in wider children’s services if they are going to provide the full range of opportunities that children and young people will need for success. Partnership and inter-school collaboration is fully consistent with Trust development principles.
Potential benefits to school involved Increased opportunities for children across more than one school to learn and play together Opportunities for professional development providing support, peer to peer learning, leadership development, improved leadership capacity Improved staff recruitment and retention Increased potential to transform and sustain Enhanced community and public confidence Development of a ‘can do’ approach Enhanced reputation of the schools Long term sustainability and viability assured